
Every time I think I’ve seen the worst SLAPP-suit of all time, some new and even more flagrant abuser of the legal process steps up to prove me wrong. It’s hard to imagine being worse than this:
The Tennessee Public Participation Act—Tennessee’s primary anti-SLAPP statute—was enacted to punish and deter bogus lawsuits exactly like this one.
While I understand why Mr. Thornton wants people to stop talking about the fact that he’s trying to build homes on top of abandoned underground mine shafts, the First Amendment prevents him from abusing the legal process to silence his critics.
Mr. Thornton is about to learn an expensive lesson about the First Amendment, and he should be sanctioned up to his eyeballs.
But Mr Thornton’s critics are attempting to violate his th Amendment right to build houses… on top of… um… mineshafts… so that kids can fall down them and provide topics for streaming documentaries, which is _also_ a First Amendment right!