
While GBH was laying off 31 people, the high salaries of 16 top execs were left untouched. Top-paid host Jim Braude, who makes $345k, tells The Bostonn Globe: “We all would have been willing to take pay cuts to save costs if we had been asked.” So why weren't they asked? #journalism #Boston
At least nine GBH executives had salaries of over $300,000 last year. Reeling from layoffs, employees have questions. - The Boston The untouched, high salaries have prompted criticism among current and former employees about the organization’s choices in confronting a budget shortfall of $7 million for its core business.
They could have laid off 3 executives and saved 8-9 well paid journalists!
Pay cuts destroy org morale & cause top talent to leave anyway. I know because I've worked at an org that delayed bonuses, etc. instead of laying people off & it hollowed out our talent
Oddly, layoffs also destroy morale and cause talent to leave. It’s all about organizational priorities.
Good thing there's a peer reviewed paper on this. FTA: > In most companies, pay cuts were not a useful alternative to layoffs, because pay cuts would not make it worthwhile to retain many employees and because layoffs harmed morale less than would pay cuts.
Why not cut pay? I interviewed over 300 business people, labor leaders, business consultants, and counselors of unemployed people, all in the Northeast of the United S…
Why do they never start with executives, then? Why not lay off 1 person making the wages of 20 other people if moral is such a big concern for them? Also my moral would absolutely improve if top execs got paycuts lol
I should add that I experienced both delayed bonuses & layoffs at the same org. Delayed bonuses def resulted in far more talent attrition and morale decline than layoffs
I guess I just have a hard time feeling bad for people who are (temporarily) not getting money beyond their salary — when it means that others won’t even get to collect their salary anymore.
I've been laid off 3 times in a row. Once due to Great Recession, again bc startup ran out of funding, & 3rd bc private equity bought us out. It certainly sucks. Never been fired for cause but in all 3 cases I could have managed my career better, in hindsight
Same reason as BUR. They're too management heavy and management is a bunch of self-serving dillitantes. Margaret Low actually put that she was giving up Peet's coffee in the same statement where she took away people's jobs and insurance. Public radio has an entitled rich white boomer problem.