
Exclusive report: a series of errors by HMRC let Paul Baxendale-Walker, probably the UK's most notorious tax avoider, escape a £14m penalty. He's threatening to prosecute me for harassment, sue me for libel and sue me for £500,000 if I report this. Here’s our report:
HMRC errors let a notorious tax avoider escape a £14m Paul Baxendale-Walker is probably the UK’s most notorious tax avoidance scheme promoter. He’s the former barrister and solicitor who helped create the “loan schemes” that cost the country £billions…
HMRC aren't interested in catching tax dodgers/evaders (same thing really). They are too busy hunting down people on benefits.
Dan, if you need to crowd-fund your legal case I'll chip in, as will many others.
Thanks! If he does sue me I might crowd fund for charity, but not for my legal costs… wouldn’t feel right when I’d have more £ than most people donating.
Glorious. The abrupt left turn into “porn star” was the WTF??? moment for me…