
Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years, with most of the deaths involving firearms. Most gun deaths in America are self-inflicted, yet suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
She’s Fighting to Save America’s ‘Last Best Place’ From Montana’s suicide rate has been the highest in the U.S. for the past three years. Most of the deaths involved firearms. But suicide rarely registers in the national debate over guns.
The gun crazies always ignore this issue— and right on cue they start crawling out of the woodwork in the responses to this. A good portion of them incredibly also claim to be “pro-life”—although clearly not nearly as nuch as they are pro-gun
You don't solve depression by making sure people can't kill themselves. Try something else.
Nice try. No one claims to be “solving depression” by dealing with the ridiculous ease of accessing fire arms in this country. Per usual, gun lovers spout utter nonsense.
lol, I never even touched a gun in my life, try harder fuckboi
You’re vulgar and don’t know what you’re talking about. Those attempting suicide by gun are much more successful than others. Also, easy access to guns makes dying in a rash moment much easier.
Lol, you are the one who has no idea what is going on. And yes I'm vulgar, because I don't care.