
This guy must be getting his own private cable news feed and reading his very own special version of the NYT op ed page
I muted this person for being both rude and dumb. They can enjoy working on whatever stupid score they were trying to settle with me on their own.
The coverage tonight has been disgusting…… and I am not going say the age thing is not an issue, but it does not mean other issues are not at play or don’t matter.
The age thing is absolutely a legit story and I think there's real pressure on him to make a move. However, there are also uniquely crazy things going on with Trump and proportionality is vital in election coverage.
Right, you can cover both stories and how you cover/where you cover (in terms of news outlets) matters too. He is still old tomorrow and the next day, the court decision came down today. Treating everything like I treat discussion of the Mets bullpen is not great.
I just stopped talking about Hal Steinbrenner because I was tired of being mad and assume people didn't enjoy reading it.
The good old day on the other site 😆. There is some joy in watching Soto and Judge everyday, so enjoy that part.
Judge in particular always makes me happy. He's just off the 62 pace even though he was injured. His average is unreal. He does it all. I got to meet him once!