Melanie D’Arrigo

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Melanie D’Arrigo

Executive Director of Campaign for New York Health, VP Legislation National Organization for Women NYS, Be The Rainbow Co-Founder, mom of 3, and former congressional candidate in NY03
Project 2025 will end Democracy. Republicans aren’t shy about it. It’s not a fairy tale or a hypothetical. It’s their plan, spelled out in detail on their website. Read it. Don’t let this be our last Independence Day free of tyranny.
Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Presidential Transition Project The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars.
Billionaire donates $75 million to Trump Billionaire-bought Supreme Court gives Trump immunity Billionaire Republicans buying Democrat primaries Leonard Leo buying an Attorney General race It’s been a big past month for “billionaires shouldn’t exist.”
Missouri’s Attorney General Isn’t MAGA Enough for Leonard The conservative megadonor’s network is plowing money into the Republican primary to support Will Scharf, Trump’s personal attorney.
The Heritage Foundation president saying the coup part out loud: “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Donald Trump: I’m going to do authoritarianism Republicans: We’re going to do authoritarianism Project 2025: Here’s our plan for authoritarianism Democracy is at stake. We should exhaust every option to save it. POTUS needs to break out his Executive Order pen and expand the Court.
If a single billionaire can legally dump $100 million into an election, when the legal maximum an individual can donate is $3300 — that’s not democracy or a free and fair election, that’s an oligarchy and an auction. The corruption is killing our country.
The reclusive plutocrat who became the biggest political donor of The largest donor of the 2024 presidential campaign, by far, is Timothy Mellon, the reclusive billionaire and heir to the Mellon banking fortune. Mellon was already the largest donor after donating $2...
I’m really tired of living through the “How America Fell Into Fascism” chapter of my future grandkids’ history textbooks.
The Supreme Court just ruled that our Democracy can be a dictatorship if we decide to elect a wannabe dictator. This ruling is why right-wing billionaires rigged the Supreme Court, because fascism protects billionaires at the expense of morality, democracy and everyone else.
There’s a reason Donald Trump doesn’t talk about how his policies will help the working class —because they won’t. All of his policies are put up for auction for corporations and billionaires to bid on. He’s the official spokesperson for corporate greed.
The Corporatization Of Donald In 2016, Donald Trump routinely went after CEOs and corporate power — now he’s their mouthpiece. What happened?
The Chevron deference was a safeguard against Project 2025 and a complete corporate lobbyist takeover of our government. It was overturned because right-wing billionaires bribed the right-wing Supreme Court Justices. 👉🏻 Make Judicial Reform the priority.
Supreme power For thirty years, federal law has required commercial fishing boats to include a trained observer to ensure the vessel does not engage in overfishing or other prohibited practices. The law specifies t...
Newsweek published an op-ed written by the 1950’s patriarchy. And conservatives wonder why women won’t date them.
Criminalizing homelessness without criminalizing poverty wages, and the commodification and price gouging of basic necessities like healthcare, housing and food that lead to homelessness is an absolute moral failure now owned by the right-wing justices on the Supreme Court.
We can’t restore Roe unless we unrig the Supreme Court. If a member of Congress or candidate doesn’t support Judicial Reform, then they don’t support reproductive rights — it’s that simple. Get your reps and candidates to support it on the record.
The Supreme Court’s Latest Abortion Ruling Is a Cynical While the court voted to allow emergency abortions in Idaho, conservatives made it clear that this is only a temporary victory—one they will overturn after the election.
We force people into poverty… then criminalize poverty… then put people in the for-profit prisons wealthy people invest in… while those imprisoned are used as slave labor for private companies, to cut down their costs and increase profits…
Private Prisons Want You To Go Directly To Private prison companies are pushing states to get tougher on crime, then cashing in on the profits.
1️⃣ Republicans do something to distract from negative news 2️⃣ Republican billionaire-owned Sinclair Broadcast Group legitimizes it by pushing it on its 185 TV stations 3️⃣ Republican billionaire-owned social platforms amplify it 4️⃣ Repeat Step 1️⃣
How right-wing media is legitimizing a nonsensical and nonexistent Sinclair is at it again.
Nassau County Exec Bruce Blakeman chose Pride month to attack trans women, because he cares more about promoting hate for headlines than he does about doing anything to actually help Nassau County families. He’s a small, evil, hateful man.
Nassau County lawmakers to vote on transgender athlete access Civil rights groups and LGBTQ+ advocates say the law is discriminatory.
Billionaires are using teacher pensions to pay for their flights on their private jets they write off on their taxes. And teachers are paying for their school supplies, which they can only write off $300 of on their taxes, because of billionaire lobbying.
Why Are Teachers Funding Billionaires’ Private Jets? Plus, Wall Street pretends it’s in Texas, Gordon Gekko gets rich off California workers, and the launch of Summer 2024’s blockbuster event.
It’s easy to hate oil and gas companies for their lies and destruction in super-charging our climate crisis, but have you also tried hating them for their lies that put microplastics in our food, water and bodies? They are killing us from all angles.
The Delusion of “Advanced” Plastic The plastics industry has heralded a type of chemical recycling it claims could replace new shopping bags and candy wrappers with old ones — but not much is being recycled at all, and this method won’...
The secret to success for Fortune 100 companies is that their CEOs work, on average, 320x harder than their employees. Also, their “no strings attached” political campaign donations and lobbying have magically resulted in deregulation and tax breaks that increase profits. 🫠
Both. Neither one should exist. Healthcare and education should never be for profit, and we shouldn’t let corporations force people into crippling, generational debt for wanting either. This isn’t a “radical” take, it’s a moral one.
Juneteenth is a federal holiday. But in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas; Republicans have passed laws to prevent teachers from teaching kids why.
No one: Roger Stone: Here are the crimes I’m going to commit… He’s like a cartoon supervillain explaining his dastardly plan in detail beforehand. All he needs is a monocle and a handlebar mustache to twirl.
Roger Stone Caught on Tape Discussing Trump’s Plan to Challenge 2024 Self-proclaimed “dirty trickster” Roger Stone was secretly videotaped at Mar-a-Lago during a remarkably candid conversation.
The only people being held accountable with our climate crisis, and its death and destruction, are the people protesting — not the people causing it. The oil & gas industry has already spent $101,809,942 on the 2024 elections to keep it that way.
Big Oil’s Plan To Criminalize Pipeline Fossil fuel companies and trade groups are using essential pipeline safety legislation to further criminalize pipeline protests.
When corporations pay less in taxes, the rest of us are forced to pay more and lose services. Republicans want to slash the corporate tax rate again, then cut Social Security and Medicare to cover the difference. There’s a reason corporations funnel billions into elections.
All you need to know about this year’s congressional baseball game is that it’s sponsored by a bunch of companies and lobbyists who want favors from Congress. These companies have already donated $78,311,842 to their 2024 reelection campaigns. America’s pastime indeed.
I would love to see what working 3,769x harder than the average employee looks like. Just your reminder that it’s the workers who create the value with their labor.