Darunia Sage

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Darunia Sage


Queer writer and content creator of sorts. Huge Zelda and FFXIV fan. They/he. Inquiries at [email protected]

All other socials/blog: https://daruniasage.com
This might be a reach but I'm looking for a lawyer or someone versed in job laws in the state of Michigan. Trying to figure something out since it seems to be some gray area when I look it up.
Reposted byAvatar Darunia Sage
I went to grab my belongings from my old job today. Somehow I didn't cry. I smiled the whole time while talking to folks. Like I should be emotional, it was my second home (for better or worse) for 7 years. This is just...weird.
Good news, I was able to land a new job and I start next week. Bad news...I haven't had a single penny from unemployment and I have several bills due this week. Or a single penny from my tax refund (that I did in FEBRUARY). So yeah, I'm a bit stressed. Any bit helps. ko-fi.com/daruniasage
I got laid off today. I was under a lot of stress as it is and this was just par for the bullshit that could happen to us. They said it shouldn't be more than 2 weeks and I'm able to get unemployment, but that is gonna probably take a bit. So that's great, fuck today.
Me: I think I'm going to do stuff today! My body: ...you THOUGHT.
Aaaand back to the grind! Let's talk about our week and get into some more Lil' Guardsman chaos! Live on that purple site! twitch.tv/daruniasage
DaruniaSage - Twitchtwitch.tv [18+] End of the week MH check > Lil' Guardsman after! @daruniasage !support
I am looking for some unhinged, but PG-13 old commercials. Think Quiznos hamster-thingy. What are some of your favorites?
I am looking for some unhinged, but PG-13 old commercials. Think Quiznos hamster-thingy. What are some of your favorites?
Oh hi there! Going to stream! Let's talk about your week, my (bullshit) week, and play some games! I'm on that purple site, live right nowwww! twitch.tv/daruniasage
DaruniaSage - Twitchtwitch.tv [18+] Weekly MH check-in! Then some games? Yes? @daruniasage !support
I got laid off today. I was under a lot of stress as it is and this was just par for the bullshit that could happen to us. They said it shouldn't be more than 2 weeks and I'm able to get unemployment, but that is gonna probably take a bit. So that's great, fuck today.
Can't wait until Friday, don't have to work that day. I might do something impulsive like on Saturday, idk, was fun randomly streaming 🤣
Reposted byAvatar Darunia Sage
Been having issues with my thigh...it feels like a permanent Charlie horse. Blood clot was ruled out. Yesterday, I slipped on a hanger and I'm pretty sure something snapped and no, it wasn't the hanger. Oh and I'm at work. Because ✨ capitalism ✨. Send help. And bubble wrap.
I just can't right now, I think I should just quit while I'm ahead before I lose everything.
How is it already 76 degrees and it's not even 5am? Gross.
I'm in a very dark place and I feel like I can't really talk to anyone about it because everyone else has problems, ya know? Why are therapists so expensive?
Everything still sucks, but here's Fuzzlebutt.
Without fail, any time I go to the hospital, this happens. Wtf is in the damn adhesive?
I'm watching streams on Twitch and of course ads pop up and it's a fucking car crash ad to remind people to wear their seatbelt. One of them is of a guy literally getting ejected from the car. Think I'm taking a small Twitch break because wtf is this
Reposted byAvatar Darunia Sage
I am glad that this infographic came over to Bluesky.
I've been sharing this list of other creative programs for like 5 years. I actually use a handful of them and have never needed to pay to create things. Fuck AI and fuck Adobe and their wallet gouging.
Not me hitting my head (on the exact spot where I have staples) in the Lyft and the driver laughing at me. It's okay, I laughed too, but holy shit that was painful 😂
Well...this week can go away now. Was in a car accident with my wife, car flipped a few times. I have staples in my head and a possible fractured first rib. My wife is okay at least physically, barring some bruises. So much for learning how to drive, that shit was scary.
My Bluesky feed is full of cats. I'm okay with this.
This is why you should never send me into a store alone.
Food or skibbity papa, take your pick.
It was LITERALLY 80 degrees on Sunday, why did I just switch from AC to heat again wtf.