
“Nothing can be done at this late date” is probably true but there are almost 130 days to election day, enough time for normal countries to contain an entire campaign beginning to end with plenty of room to spare
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
I have no idea how to measure or quantify this but I really think a state of Endless Campaign breaks us in some probably really meaningful ways
Lots of ways to measure it, starting with all the money needed for campaigns and the various industries associated with that. It’s always a balancing act but then measure the tradeoffs between campaigning and governing.
Unfortunately even given a couple of years, our media has a hard time digging out the important information
Yep! I don’t buy the “it’s too late” argument for a second. The DNC has gone to court to argue that it’s a private entity that can do as it pleases. Outside of specific deadlines they have complete control of how they decide the candidate. And frankly, perhaps they should.
I was so jealous when France announced elections and it's for like a month later.
The entire campaign here in the UK is six weeks, & it used to be three But no major party here would change its leader 130 days before an election, either, barring death or something quite exceptional. It would indicate chaos & desperation. The SNP did, but that’s not comparable.
Where I live, party leaders can be replaced quickly. Often, the party apparatus/MPs/members (depending on the party’s internal rules) change the PM, & no one can stop them. It can work My US homeland has a different constitutional & political system. Replacing Biden now isn’t a plausible option.
Macron announced snap elections 3 weeks ago. The New Popular Front formed out of ~4 left-leaning parties in a matter of days.
what are you people talking about?!
Liberals are both the most powerful people capable of stopping Trump, and also too powerless and weak to pass any meaningful legislation at any point ever.
Liberals & centrists would rather do nothing than pressure democrats to do anything.
General Elections in 2024: days between being called and voting. UK - 43 days France - 21 days, with 2nd round 7 days later (28 days total) India (968m eligible voters & there must be a polling station within 2km of each adult so one was set up for ONE isolated hermit) - 77 days total (in 7 phases)