
If you are a director of an academic journal and you find yourself contacting IT in the middle of the night to take down the journal's website to prevent the publication of an article that has already been through the editorial process, you might be the bad guy.
The board of directors of Columbia Law Review took its entire website offline because seven student editors refused to take down a paper on the Nakba that has been in preparation for five months.
I'd like to hear this decision maker be pressed to explain in full what the thought process was here.
Perhaps they thought they were making a content-neutral decision by taking the entire journal offline! 🙃
it's honestly very hard to get inside the mind of whoever did this unless there is the explicit threat of major donations being cut off for anything remotely "pro" Palestine
I think it's more likely they think the student editors have gone woke and need adult supervision, but it's not the students who come off as unhinged in this episode.
ah ok - and yes, agree, it's an insane overreaction by any standard