
"If prisoners in federal custody were allowed to challenge their detainment based on alleged political persecution, the effect on the President's duties to conduct foreign affairs, direct the military, and take care that the laws are faithfully executed would be immediate and calamitous." /1
"No longer would the president be free to seek the candid advice of his closest advisors. Instead, every exercise of his constitutional powers would be undertaken with the certainty that it would be reexamined by a judge far removed from the exigencies of the office."
"Our constitution does not contemplate such flagrant interference with the duties of the people's democratically elected chief executive. As we recognized in Trump v United States, the president enjoys absolute immunity for actions within his core constitutional power." /3
"We therefore hold that the petitions of Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, Ms. Cheney, and Mr. Schiff must be dismissed." /end