David Anaxagoras

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David Anaxagoras


Award-winning TV writer, middle-grade novelist, SFF author. Shows on Amazon, Netflix. Fiction in Lightspeed, Dread Machine. Collects 80s vinyl. Loves cats and cold brew. UCLA MFA. Codex. SFWA. Rep: Emily van Beek, Folio Jr.

When you crank the handle on an emergency radio it should play "Pop Goes the Weasel".
I'm not going to Wang Chung just because everyone else is doing it. I'll decide for myself when the right time to Wang Chung is. Maybe it's tonight. Maybe it's some other time.
Sort of back on the internet. Depends on how long the generator holds out and we can continue to find fuel for it. It's not the hurricane that gets you. It's the aftermath.
Right in path of Beryl. No power. Maybe after wed. No cell, internet. If you need me.... Wait. Sorry.
If this moment and the accompanying fanfare doesn't turn you into a weepy baby go to the hospital immediately and check for signs of life.
"But his debate performance" is the new "But her emails."
I love Doctor Who I don't love a 13-year-old boy shooting bad guys with a machine gun built into his mobility aid.
If the ice cream man from I Saw the TV Glow isn't a direct reference/homage of Mr. Tastee from The Adventures of Pete and Pete I'll eat my hat. My buffalo plaid hat.
i need to play more video games
If you can fold your pizza slice before you eat you do NOT have enough toppings what are you even doing
im starting to think tech bros have never seen a single movie (GATTICA) in their entire lives
Good morning Bluesky friens! Today I'm doing a write-a-thon for The Longest Night to fundraise for the Alzheimer's Association. If you'd like to support my team and help us fund Alzheimer's research, hit us with a donation at this link: act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_i...
Help Rachael Jones fight Alzheimer's on The Longest Day!act.alz.org I am fighting Alzheimer's by participating in The Longest Day. Support me by donating today!
You might not be ready to hear this, but the best Otter Pop flavor is Alexander the Grape. Sooner or later you will have to accept it.
If for whatever reason in your life you find yourself wanting in good dad vibes, then for all of us who need it let me say: I'm proud of you. I believe in you. I love you as you are.
As a kid I aways eyed my neighbor suspiciously because he didn't get the TV guide. He used the weird program listings booklet that came with the Sunday paper.
When I was a kid in the 70s the theaters were full of antiheroes and moral ambiguity and it was a drag. Then Star Wars happened. I walked out of the theater feeling 10 feet tall and determined to Be a Force for Good. Then Star Wars wanted to grow up I guess? And be edgy? Feh.
In the ER waiting room. The movie playing on screen is Weekend at Bernie's. Interesting choice for a hospital.
Star Wars like you've never seen before! We've never seen seedy cantinas and grimy junk shops? Over-serious sour-puss Jedi? Didn't we just have an Obi-wan show about Jedi haunted by failure and Padawans out for revenge?
I've taught a Comics & Sequential Arts Workshop at Winburn Middle School for the last three years. As the Workshop has grown, I can no longer fund all of this myself. I'm raising $4,000 to keep the class going & possibly expand it. Spread the word & thank you for the support! gofund.me/7b97845d
Boost Shawn's Effort to Nurture Young Artists, organized by Shawn Pryorgofund.me Hi, my name is Shawn Pryor. I'm an author of graphic novels and books who ha… Shawn Pryor needs your support for Boost Shawn's Effort to Nurture Young Artists
As an SF fan, I will forever find it impossible to correctly parse headlines like this.
Going to the Nebulas? Find me there in-person AND online! Catch me on Friday barconning at the Westin, or come to my programming on Saturday! BONUS: Come to my meet-and-greet and I'll draw you a dinosaur of your choice! 🦖 For free! I just want people to say hi to me. Please come say hi! 🦕
If I die with an unfinished novel in my word processor please don't let James Patterson finish it.
Oh wow BREAKFAST CLUB is a horrible movie--especially in the way Molly Ringwald's character is verbally abused and sexually harassed and in the end she rewards her abuser because she was a rich bitch who needed to be taken down a notch, apparently. Movie did not live up to my memory of it. Yikes.
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Used an online virtual provider instead of urgent care today and it was a AWESOME. It cost two dollars less than my primary care visits, and was blazingly fast. Such a relief to take care of a minor medical issue almost instantly from home.