
Well, it's basically the end of the year and I suppose it's time to reflect on some highlights. I submitted the final draft of my book; got an article accepted for publication, moved to a new town and started a new job, and got an op-ed published in the
In retrospect, I wish I was harder on the ADL. (I thought KYE's ADL episode from September was especially good.) Greenblatt has been nothing but an embarrassment his entire time as the ADL head, and has only gotten worse since 10/07.
One of the many reasons I'm frustrated by the discourse around left-wing antisemitism is that the richest man in the world essentially being a Nazi has not only been memory-holed, but in no small part *because* of his reactionary politics he has been *defended* by Greenblatt!
One of my biggest regrets this year is that I was not more active writing about this stuff after 10/07, but frankly I was afraid to write anything lest I destroy my career (such as it is).
There's been a ton of criticism of the ADL from pro-Israel Jews. I could write a piece just about the vacuousness of the deal for banning the expression "from the river to the sea" (while 7.10 denialism and justificationism still abound on X) and have to cut a lot to get it to a normal wordcount.
Nobody gets canceled for saying things like "the Occupation is bad" or "Israel should take a ceasefire deal" (cf. Tom Friedman) or "Greenblatt is an idiot" (cf. Foxman); people get canceled for massacre denialism or justificationism, for tearing down hostage photos, for physical violence.
Dude is a fascist tho.