
This from on The Bad Place. However one feels about the ultimate question on the table, the pace and frenzy with which this discourse around whether a sitting president should step aside/down because of a singular event (that embodies a larger issue) is mind-blowing.
Republicans and the media are having a bad day. They are just undermining their credibility now.
The discourse? Who the fuck cares about the discourse? We are fringe weenies trying to get in to big lil smokie or Nathan's. Check yo self
Best prez in my lifetime! Most progressive but he’s going to get older. Everyone will vote for Kamala esp if he makes her prez now. Also let him appoint a vp. Legal? Or an acting one. It’s been done before
It could be “make Harris president” the framework is variable depending on it’s written from what vantage
Oh, great, and then Moses will be VP?!