David Swanson

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David Swanson


New Yorker, Scotsman, editor, writer, legendary heroic outlaw.
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im going to coney island to see the hot dog eating contest
On this 4th of July, ask yourself "What is a Hot Dog? And is it a sandwich?" @swordsjew.bsky.social asked 30 professors of semiotics, linguistics, ontology, psycholinguistics, information science and other pertinent disciplines to find out. buttondown.email/theswordandt...
Notable Sandwiches #89: Hot Dogbuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the feature where I, alongside my charming and long-suffering editor David Swanson, trip merrily through the befuddling...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
“The court has returned to its historic conservative role, rushing to aid the political party of property and race privilege in a debased partisan way.” — Jamie Raskin, writing in 2001 buttondown.email/theswordandt...
Supreme Injusticesbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
A look at the first hundred entries on Wikipedia’s “extraordinary”, “mysterious”, “bizarre”, “profoundly odd”, “ever-mutating”, strange and twisted”, “sprawling, mammoth”, “enormous and unwieldy”, “baffling and mercurial”, “baroque and mysterious” list of notable sandwiches.
A Look Back at 100 Notable Sandwichesbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where Talia and I wade through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of Notable...
“The court has returned to its historic conservative role, rushing to aid the political party of property and race privilege in a debased partisan way.” — Jamie Raskin, writing in 2001 buttondown.email/theswordandt...
Supreme Injusticesbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"America has the feel of the twilight of empire, the frail-boned gerontocrats complemented by the weighty jackboots of a police state. Meanwhile, the super-wealthy oligarchs acquire more and more, and become baroque in their decadence." — @swordsjew.bsky.social on eating the rich
On the Gastronomy of Eating the Richbuttondown.email Two years before I started a column about the cross-pollination between food and politics, I wrote for GQ about the origins and literal interpretations of...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"The Pranksters... set off on their epochal cross-country bus trip sixty years ago this week, kickstarting the hippy movement, and leaving a vapor-trail of blown minds and shattered paradigms in their wake."
Drinking the Kool-Aidbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...
"The Pranksters... set off on their epochal cross-country bus trip sixty years ago this week, kickstarting the hippy movement, and leaving a vapor-trail of blown minds and shattered paradigms in their wake."
Drinking the Kool-Aidbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"Cold soup is in abundance all around you. It comes in many, varicolored varieties, sweet and spicy and sour. It will be your salvation. Let your bowl be a cool chalice, filled with deliverance from the heat." @swordsjew.bsky.social on cold soup in hot weather
Notable Sandwich Heat Wave Special: In Praise of Cold Soupbuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where I drag my long-suffering editor David Swanson through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of...
"Today, may you be like the hawk of Radbot: flying free, yet with great consequence, your every move like a knife gliding through the wind toward destiny." @swordsjew.bsky.social on the Habsburgs, and Arnold's favorite sandwich
Notable Sandwiches #100: Kaisers Jagdproviantbuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where I drag my long-suffering editor David Swanson through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
O to be a hawk on an escarpment, freed from the wrist of Radbot. O, to feel the wind of Swabia in my feathers, to taste the flesh of prey in my red beak! Instead I am a lowly scribe of sandwiches. buttondown.email/theswordandt...
Notable Sandwiches #100: Kaisers Jagdproviantbuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where I drag my long-suffering editor David Swanson through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"Most of us, at some point in our lives, would be susceptible, if it harmonized with our greater values; if it came at a point where we felt low, and frightened, and individuality felt like more of a burden than a sacred thing to uphold." — @swordsjew.bsky.social on cults
On Cults, Part 2: Follow the Leaderbuttondown.email Jim Jones preaching at the Peoples Temple What’s the loneliest you’ve ever felt? The most scared? The most despairing? Was it a period of depression, or...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"Tell me you’d never join a cult and I’ll tell you you’ve been lucky. That the savviest representative of the most appealing group didn’t reach you on the worst day of your life. In your thirst on your lonesome road, no one offered you water from a poisoned well." buttondown.email/theswordandt...
On Cults, Part 2: Follow the Leaderbuttondown.email Jim Jones preaching at the Peoples Temple What’s the loneliest you’ve ever felt? The most scared? The most despairing? Was it a period of depression, or...
"Given the proliferation of the form in the last couple decades, you can find oral histories of all shapes and sizes. In fact, just this week saw oral histories of the D-Day Invasion, 10-Cent Beer Night, and the movie Gremlins. There may be even more by the time you read this." On oral histories
Hollywood: The Oral Historiesbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"It's a wrap whose primary ingredient is French fries. Why should its moniker be taken from an American staple named after a German city, filled with Franco-Belgian fried potatoes alongside masala chutney and halal chicken sausages?" @swordsjew.bsky.social on this week's notable sandwich
Notable Sandwiches #99: Kabuli Burgerbuttondown.email Welcome back to Notable Sandwiches, the series where I drag my long-suffering editor David Swanson through the bizarro, shifting sands of Wikipedia’s List of...
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
insane to me that this is #99 and next week is #100. thats so many essays about sandwiches
Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland and one of its 32 council areas. Located in the south-east of Scotland, it is bounded to the north by the Firth of Forth estuary and to the south by the Pentland Hills.
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Reposted byAvatar David Swanson
"It only took a few generations for the Pilgrims' strict New England puritanism to curdle into the ecstatic violence of Salem Witch Trials, purification through separation having given way to purification through hellfire." A supplement to last week's @swordsjew.bsky.social feature on cults
On Cults: Let's Talk About Sectsbuttondown.email By David Swanson Welcome back to Culture Club, the weekly feature where Talia and I discuss our preoccupations—what we’ve been thinking about, reading,...