
Please consider subscribing to, a service which labels AI images on Bluesky. Even for people who are not opposed to the use of AI images, being able to identify them is very important for this reason.
It's not harmless. It's not "just an innocent thing" to be fooled by AI. You NEED to be able to discern and differentiate reality. You NEED to know how the world works on a basic level. Because fooling you with baby animals and flowers is just the start of something much worse.
I subscribe to this list so that I can call people losers when I see their content tagged as AI.
If its some small consolation, a lot of the commenters on fb posts like that are bots, but of course some people are indeed that gullible... and yes agreed, screw AI
This is how you get/ maintain minority rule. They already achieve this simply by being loud but now one shithead oligarch can replicate and populate and dominate all social comms. The cute snaps just the soft end for dumb normie conformies who always flesh out the numbers for them... the fb ppl etc
I literally just updated one of my feeds to run through the aimod list so I don't have to worry about vetting it all by myself. Thanks for y'all's work on it. If anyone else uses Skyfeed it's quite easy to add a block to remove posts from a specific user list!
Lol those fake AF pokemon looking AI eagles, just shrunk down Of course it does numbers on Facebook... People be liking everything there Remember when pokemon pulled that same BS and gamers refused to accept it? We're still mad about it lol Fill Facebook with gamers and it'll change 😏🤌
I mean...we could accept the baby Nidoqueens as just having evolved really fast if it wasn't for the fact that Nidoqueen infamously can't breed so there's no way they could have been born to begin with.
NidoQueen can't breed lol WUT!? Did not know In my decades of playing I can't say I ever attempted to breed a Queen lol..... Does even it work with ditto? Yeah, it's an episode that Pokemon likes to pretend never happened. But I can't forget it
No it doesn't breed at all. How have they ever tried to pretend that MR doesn't exist? Nothing from it has ever been retconned.
Thank you for the subscribe list. I don't know how these work yet, so helpful when someone can just tell me what it does.
Damn, people are dumb. This is why the AI will win.
Unfortunately we depend heavily on information that isn’t substantiated or coming from reliable sources. We’re drifting farther into what Baudrillard called the “hyper reality” - the fake world is more real to us.
A lot of those comments on FB are from bot accounts, too, so it's heading towards Dead Internet theory levels of engagement.
This is the kinda thing that really grinds my gears
DC is going full AI. Just need to throw some faded celebs into the mix; everyone good. "Nothing is real And nothing to get hung about..."
Facebook is a cesspool, the amount of AI, misinformation and general fear mongering is god awful. The site has like no policing, people post something and just about everyone believes it. If you try and call it wrong,you get harassed and called a sheep -_-