
Napster walked so AI startups could run – right into a courtroom.
Let it begin. 🔥
Really, a Napster-like result might be the best creators can hope for at this point. If big companies tighten control over AI and IP, it could limit many *large-scale* uses. But the tech is already out on personal devices. Napster died. Blackmarket P2P lived on. It could go the same way here.
I don’t mind watching kaiju-amalgamations made of corporate lawyers go after shitty AU companies. They’re generally awful, but at least they can be weaponized to do something useful now and then.
Yeah, you know it’s getting interesting if people might actually be rooting for the giant corporations’ legal teams lol
Honestly, my main reason for getting excited about this is that I felt like this already should have been happening. These AI companies were scraping all of this work that belonged to huge corporations and they weren't getting punished. I was starting to feel crazy. Now I feel less crazy.
I’m surprised Disney isn’t on this list, but they’re probably cooking up their own thing. They are basically an IP law firm with a bunch of side hustles.
Yeah. I really expected them to be in front of the line. Maybe they're building a bigger case?
Back in the bad place we were hammering those “I want this on a shirt” image scrapers bots with Disney imagery for a while. Not sure how that shook out in the end, but it did slow their roll somewhat.
That was small potatoes though, this AI craze has about six or nine extra zeroes worth of funding being thrown at it.
It’s going to be weird watching how they all fight each other. Universal is working on their own “ethical” AI framework for music. Disney’s already used AI in their stuff. Eventually an AI/Tech lobbyist will get the copyright laws changed… then it’s really going to get bad.