
... and we have a winner. This book won the 2024 SHARP Book History Book Prize, as has been announced yesterday at #SHARP2024. Congratulations, Prof. Sebouh David Aslanian. #bookhistory
#onmydesktoday: a transregional focus upon (Armenian) diasporic mobility and entangled bookmaking in #earlymodern Europe. A nice read. Recommended for #bookhistory.
This is our juror's statement for the award winning book of 2024, #bookhistory and #globalhistory folks: "Professor Aslanian’s monograph is an outstanding contribution to the history of the book for its ability to render unfamiliar the print landscape of early modern Europe. By tracing ...
... Armenian transregional networks of print through the dynamic hubs of port cities, Professor Aslanian recounts a story of forced and voluntary mobility that connected printers, traders, and readers across Europe and Asia. In so doing, he offers ...
... nothing less than a history of the making of the modern Armenian diaspora through a study of its print communication circuits. Drawing on extensive archival work in collections around the world, Professor Aslanian models a diasporic approach to histoire du livre that reconceptualizes ...
... the sociality and materiality of book production through port-city exchange. The mobility associated with seafaring allows Professor Aslanian to identify 40 Armenian presses operating in 19 locations from Venice to Amsterdam to St. Petersburg to Calcutta. ...
... For a historically marginalized people, commercial trade proved to be the means by which communication among far-flung readers could be facilitated. In turn, the circulation of books through port cities allowed Armenians to document and share knowledge about the violence ...
... and injustice they had suffered under successive waves of displacement. Thus, in Professor Aslanian’s work, we see how the global circuits of print helped the Armenian people at once resist the terms of their mass dispossession by others and fashion a new collective identity among themselves.
Question: who created this feed? Perhaps they can add #SHARP and #SHARP2024 (thia one os mustard after the meal but we could add hashtags of bookish conferences/events)
I think, Sharp should use this platform, and be more active on Mastodon too. They are still active on X. Not good. Bad decisions.
Yeah. We need more orgs on here, to really get momentum. Tho I suppose as president of an org right now, this is a self remonstration.....
Just FYI, at the AGM they said they’ll be closing the X account eventually (not sure timeline). I’ve observed that they’ll RT my stuff if I tag them on Mastodon, but I want them to come here too. (And SHARP News, but we gotta discuss that again among us)