
🎯Our leaders lied to us to get us back to working and spending. Demand clean air at work & public spaces, wear N95 before they maim you for life. Long Covid has no cure or treatments. If you hate all this, an N95 is also a symbol of resistance, not just a life-saver ✊😷
“People are getting Covid again” I propose, instead, “People are getting Covid, still.” WHO et al may have “declared” the pandemic ended, but the virus never left, despite much of the world behaving as though it did.
Even when/if they come up with treatment it won't magically make your life back to normal (all medicine has side effects) and it will all be expensive. Better to avoid infections. #maskup
Exactly. Plus, ask any chronically ill person how long it took for doctors, specialists, their family even, to believe they are sick when reg tests show “nothing’s wrong with you”. Good luck paying for more scans or meds when you’re too sick to work and govt won’t acknowledge it to withhold benefits