
Google has been good at fighting spam in one way, with Gmail, but they keep inventing new ways for people to spam me. First Google Docs spam, with Russian porn docs, and today someone shared this with me. Notice "Report abuse" is grayed out.
Both links go to the same place, "local dot lady connections dot online" but when I curl the URL I just get 200 with a set-cookie header and no content, even if I change the user-agent to chrome. Maybe if I pass the cookie it would do something. Not sure I care.
I would love to be able to report them to Google, or block them, or both, but I don't see any way to do that.
I don't understand why anyone can share *anything* with you if they aren't in your contacts and you haven't whitelisted them. I guess the days of Don't Be Evil are long gone but, come on, Google, do better.
Aha! I figured it out. They had shared a *file* with me in Google Docs that showed up as a site in Google Sites (whatever that is). When I went to Google Docs I could see the file, report it as spam, and block the user. And that made the "site" go away. Success!
I think the reason "Report abuse" was grayed out was because, having shared it with me, it was *my* file, and I can't report my own "site." Clear as mud, Google.