David Neil Robinson

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David Neil Robinson


Internet Goofball, Photographer/Designer, Tech Nerd. That other place's king of animated GIFs apparently... https://linktr.ee/ddigitaluk
I get all my news from the wood pigeon who coos down the chimney every morning.
I get all my news from cartoon faces on YouTube
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
Drop a ship not from Star Wars or Star Trek.
You lot really missed out on riding around in a under-powered plastic deathtrap back in the day.
Advert Lucky Dip: Coventry Evening Telegraph, 21/1/1985 (more at @OldUKPrintAds) #zxspectrum #retrogaming
Let's See what CHANGE this New Labour Government brings today... Oh dear No Change...
The person in your last saved image will replace Joe Biden In the presidential race
The person in your last saved image will replace Joe Biden in the presidential race
Just Defrosted my knackered old fridge freezer before it blew up from over-freezing in this heat, I need a new one, this one is almost as old as me.
Biden stepped down as he got fed up with the UK changing it's Prime Minister every year he's been in the White House.
Harris has been endorsed by Biden but the only way she's winning is if she's in the big chair now, she got wrecked before the primaries last time.You need to beat Trump now via public opinion and not in November.
If Biden considers himself unfit to be a Candidate for re-election he should really hand over to the VP now. Unless the democrats want to lose the lot.
Oh my god! It’s Bernie Sanders cashing in MITB?!?!
Well that brought Sunday crashing in with my Dad falling over trying to get to bathroom he went over the end of his bed and landed on his knees, I got him up somehow no thanks to my hernia that screamed at me in protest. He got his foot caught in the sheet and the caster below the bed and splat!
TV series and/or movies that started strong and then went rapidly to shit.
If I have to listen to that damn angle grinder one more day outside my house I'm gonna go on a rampage. Can't close the windows as the house still needs to cool down from yesterday.
Wait a Minute why do I hear SID Chip Tune Music?
Boring weekend ahead as completely skint! Yay me.
What the IT Outage shows is corporations, banks, health services and government national and local are too dependent on Microsoft and others like Google or Amazon with no fallbacks and redundancies in place. This is not how either the internet or the WWW was designed to work. 1/2
Anybody lost a Norbert in the Brentford, Twickenham or Richmond area?
On of my friends pulled this out of the Thames around Brentford. We’re calling him Norbert and we’re trying to help him get home. If you’ve lost a weird wood guy please get in touch. RTs appreciated
The IT Chaos is nothing to do with me I stopped coding in the 16 bit era. Unless you count HTML or something.
So just had two teeth out, a broken molar that broke Xmas and a wisdom tooth that needed to come out over 20 years ago, there was much blood everywhere and my lips and cheek r all swollen from the dentist trying for ages to pull said wisdom tooth. More antibiotics as this mess is right below sinus
Finally a hospital appointment I've been waiting for since February has come through for August so hopefully I can get this now chronic pain resolved.
Started off the day with electric shock type pain in my hernia, don't wish one of these on anybody, supposed to have my surgery in September now but who knows with my health flushed down the toilet the way it is.
At least I won't need to look at the hundreds of England flags all over my neighbours house anymore. Yes he's a gammon.
Once again I'm glad to have barely any interest in Football or sport in general. I can thank my Dad for that as he hated watching sport too.
How could a sniper miss - explained in a meme
so... here is the survey! it's for parents of boys aged 9-12 in England, and asks about HPV vaccine intentions. please complete or share derby.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_...
Wes Streeting kicks over peoples bins
Wes Streeting pulls the legs off of cats