
My favorite part is how she doesn't even pretend the "lefty straight man" is a friend. It's just some guy—probably a barista or some employee at a media company—she cornered and then subjected to a deranged rant while he tried to escape.
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
"he seemed horrified to be having the discussion" maybe it's who is presenting it
Me: Mornin' Drew. You: Mornin'. Me: Are you aware of how many penised lesbians are pushing to access female spaces? You: What? Me: Let's talk about your kinks. I assure you that your kinks include—wow you look so uncomfortable discussing this, which just proves my point.
Does she have no other hobbies? Maybe she could take up gardening or something.
Could she just turn into fertilizer instead of spreading it around, and quickly?