lilith kills u

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lilith kills u

32. she/it. big sister, bigger problem. listen to House of Snax at . no minors.
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demi lovato is when you have to connect with someone on a personal level before you want to lovato them
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italian is not a valid ancestry to choose from
tom holland umbrella video my old nemesis i haven’t heard from you in years [fires off my six shooter 18 times, expertly reloading twice] let’s keep it that way
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i’m gonna be honest if you want burzum and mayhem but yuri you could do worse than watching Lords of Chaos
this song sucks but it would be a hell of a concept for yuri so do burzum and mayhem but again, yuri
i think that Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift actually makes more sense as a song written from the perspective of Varg Vikernes after he stabbed Euronymous than it does what it was actually written about take what you will from that
Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do (Lyric Video) ►Exclusive Merch: ►Follow Taylor Swift OnlineInstagram:
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i think the death penalty is okay but i think we should only use it for parking and traffic violations
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i can reclaim the slur g*netic but if you [as someone who shares heritage with your family members] use it i’ll cancel you
tragedy: two beautiful lesbian sisters discover they have stark differences in the way their bodies tolerate weather, possibly because of different g*netics
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using whether Alcest is more black metal or more shoegaze in their current release as a barometer of the health of society and nothing else
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oh ur telling me it’s a coincidence that they released an album with *this much* clean singing weeks before france electorally rejected fascism? alright 🙄
using whether Alcest is more black metal or more shoegaze in their current release as a barometer of the health of society and nothing else
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there should be a way to reset my follower and following count to 0 i should literally be able to prestiege, the website should play a little guitar riff for me and i should unlock some new cosmetic option, i should be able to keep all my posts and just let people find me again
we don’t talk about DA VINKI?! enough anymore
i can reclaim the slur g*netic but if you [as someone who shares heritage with your family members] use it i’ll cancel you
tragedy: two beautiful lesbian sisters discover they have stark differences in the way their bodies tolerate weather, possibly because of different g*netics
ok hot weather enjoyers great for you guys to be able to wear dresses without leggings or whatever it is you perverts enjoy meanwhile i’m getting 3 hours of sleep a night and waking up in a damp swirl of top sheet call me when it’s 40 degrees and i am under 5 blankets and surrounded by plushies
using whether Alcest is more black metal or more shoegaze in their current release as a barometer of the health of society and nothing else
oh ur telling me it’s a coincidence that they released an album with *this much* clean singing weeks before france electorally rejected fascism? alright 🙄
using whether Alcest is more black metal or more shoegaze in their current release as a barometer of the health of society and nothing else
using whether Alcest is more black metal or more shoegaze in their current release as a barometer of the health of society and nothing else
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when i was young we had steve jobs, johnny cash, bob hope and marianne 3dcharacterplatformers,
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[reading ur mind] “a transsexual dyke with a fat cock and fatter tits splitting me in half would fix me” wow that’s interesting that that’s what’s on your mind right now but it’s your turn at connect four
wow 10 years ago today i came out to my mom [getting a lot of reminders about stuff like this because of facebook]
We, who built ourselves to paradigm We, who wore a colossal weight with pride In a niche of faunus extravagance We ruled a tundra of malice Providence trades hands with exigence As the wolves chase us in to the thicket Oh, the weight of it!
Skagos - A Night That Ends, As All Nights End, When the Sun Skagos is a Cascadian Black Metal band from British Columbia, Canada. The song comes from their album Ást. This is the full song including the campfire sound...
[me trying to get waterboarded] haha you would have to waterboard that out of me [the guy at mcdonalds] …do you want the combo meal or not
my bestie is chilling in my bed with me right now he’s so cool
hi everyone it has been a very trying sunday to cap off a very trying four day weekend if you could give me some kind words, words of encouragement, or, idk, a picture of a cat or something gosh it would be appreciated
hi everyone it has been a very trying sunday to cap off a very trying four day weekend if you could give me some kind words, words of encouragement, or, idk, a picture of a cat or something gosh it would be appreciated
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The sisterhood of damn bitch you live like this
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bluesky is primarily a website about fucking ur sister
like my status if m.2 solid state drives should come with the screws you need to affix them to motherboards
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they need to make bimbo hypno but instead of turning you into barbie it turns you into steve-o