
To Bluesky techies who know how to explain things in layman terms: I've been asked to clarify some of the terms I used, so would VERY much appreciate advice. I'm trying to find a way to explain Bluesky's stackable approach to moderation in 1-2 sentences (to include this info in my SLJ article). 🧵👇🏼
I did read but am trying to find a simple, short analogy that would help explain. It's entirely possible that this CAN'T be explained in a few sentences (in layman terms) in which case we might just have to leave out that bit.
Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets a team of moderators or curators collaboratively review reports, create labels, and inspect content on the atproto network. Later this week, we’re op...
I may explain that in addition to using the moderation features already built into the Bluesky app, users can also use custom labels that help further moderate. Maybe I could use the spider picture analogy used in the post, though that might end up in too long an explanation. Will think about this.
Also looking for an accessible analogy to explain the fediverse. I originally proposed comparing it to a network of libraries that makes it easier for everyone to access books in other branches, but some of you said that wasn't accurate.
i think the best thing here is to use email as an analogy. someone with a account can email someone from even though they're using different email services.
Thank you for all your suggestions, Neko! Very helpful.
Email is very accurate for Mastodon, it's a bit different here on bluesky because the system is broken up into parts instead of having networked all-purpose single server instances. Account hosts are separate from app servers, and feeds and the shared post caches are separated as well.
Bluesky can kinda be compared to the postal system (it's a weak comparison, but decent). There's subscription services via mail, libraries you can get stuff from by mail, your mail carrier passes letters to the recipient's mail carrier, etc. Many different roles by different entities in one system.
For the Fediverse, I've previously used the analogy of a university "club" system, where there's lots of different overlapping groups with their own social cultures and norms. I still kind of like it as a metaphor even if it's probably not super relatable.
Some thoughts on running a screenshot moderation service, one month I find content moderation really fascinating, because it's in many ways the locus point of our current social fixation with "cancel culture" as well as online toxicity more generally. I migrated from...
Thanks so much for this, ændra! I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Agreed that it's a great metaphor for the fediverse,'s goal is "to have the feel of a coffee shop at a good science fiction convention". A caveat though, some of the 'clubs' like are very big and it's not always easy to meet people who share your interests
The Wandering Wandering.Shop aims to have the vibe of a quality coffee shop at a busy SF&F Convention. Think tables of writers, fans and interested passers-by sharing drinks and conversation on a variety of topics.
Thanks SO much to everyone who boosted and who suggested answers. YOU ARE ALL AWESOME. 💙💙💙 I so appreciate you taking the time.
By the way, I *used* to call myself a techie. But tech has changed SO much since I was a programmer (I used COBOL 🦖 in my first job, a language I would not wish on my worst enemy). Thank you again!
I used Fortran 77 back in the 80’s 😂 for actuarial pension programming. I’m sure they just send away for whatever software they need now.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. 😅 I used many programs but not COBOL. Now I copy and paste HTML code if I can’t find a plugin for my site.
An analogy I literally just came up with, so take it with an appropriately large grain of salt: The earth's atmosphere filter out harmful solar radiation and cosmic rays. You can wear your choice(s) of sunglasses, sunblock, etc. to get additional protection or change your view.
Thanks for this analogy!
I like this analogy. You can simplify it a bit, maybe swap out sunglasses for sunscreen (you might not want any, I might need SPF 70). You can have more than one (sunscreen and an umbrella). Or you can get blistered in the sun. 😁
something like this? "Bluesky takes down any content deemed bad enough to warrant it, but the rest receives a label. Users can also subscribe to third-party labeling services and choose which labels, such as AI-generated art or Twitter screenshots, to warn about or hide entirely."
Thanks for this, re: the option for users to subscribe to third-party labeling services, and the specific examples. I think that might work.
I'm still trying to understand the labelling on Bluesky (pros and cons), and is helping coach me but we haven't really had a chance to chat in-depth yet. Thanks again!
For sure, although, take downs and labels are just a couple methods! There are also mute lists, mute words, blocking, etc 🙂 It’s not in depth but my comic referenced a few (seen on the fence) 🙂
An analogy: Imagine there are multiple private polices, each have their concerns which we can call policies. Everyone can signup to any policies if it aligned to and protect their values Later, we can swap these private polices term to open sources system that relied on community to keep operating
Thank you so much for the analogy suggestion! I appreciate you taking the time.
You and your buddies go to a bar, and the bar kicks out people who cause trouble. Your group then runs into somebody in there who you have a personal issue with, not enough for the bar to care about - you deal with it by not letting them join your table.
And if somebody else asks you might even share your opinion and others can kick them from their tables too if they trust your opinion
Love this analogy, Natanael. Thank you!