David Rosiak

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David Rosiak


Lived some life. Wrote some movies. Some of them even got made.
Rewatching TWISTER in the background while I write and, holy shit, this supporting cast is off the chain. A young Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeremy Davies and Todd Field all play members of the storm chaser team. It's amazing that even formula summer actioners used to be so packed with talent!
Got a major promotion along with a substantial pay bump at the day job. Woohoo!
The only thing I’ll say on the events of today is that political violence has no place in our society .
Just had a car accident on Wilshire. Dude pulled an illegal right turn directly into me. Pushed me into a pole, & I hit my head on the window. Driver's side door won't open, & it's leaking fluid. Craziest part is he was in a AAA roadside assistance truck and on the job! Heading to the doctor ASAP.
Reminder that Michael Mann's theatrical cut of MIAMI VICE is utterly brilliant and has the best cold open of any film in the past 20 years.
Score! I’ve been searching for this prequel graphic novel for a looooong time. Motherfuckers on eBay are selling it for 200 bucks. I got it for cover price at a mom and pop comic shop in the Valley yesterday!l
No more fireworks today, so Zoey is back to her happy, exuberant self!
I hate fireworks with a passion, because they utterly traumatize my dog. I see no point in people wasting their money on them (you may as well burn the contents of your wallet) and I especially see no point in setting them off after midnight unless you're striving to be an absolute asshole.
For my vote, cell phones are the worst thing that has happened to society, and I find few things more annoying than people who spend most of their days staring at their phones. It's an addiction that has become prevalent over the last 25 years. Put the phones down and engage with the world, people!
Absolutely loved BEVERLY HILLS COP: AXEL F. Murphy is very game and utterly hilarious, while the action sequences are tight and old school. This is exactly what a legacy sequel should be. And Luis Guzman shows up for five minutes and damn near steals the film.
It cannot be overstated how much living in L.A. and forging relationships with people drastically ups your chances of selling your writing and actually getting projects made. Can you sell and get produced elsewhere? Sure. But living here and making friends ups your chances by like 99%.
Aaaaand I was right. I was indeed pitched a project and am spending the next couple of days hashing out my take on it. Good times!
Dinner tonight in Silverlake with a producer behind one of the biggest hooror/scifi franchises of the past 20 years. We've been friends forever and have long talked about doing something together. Pretty sure he's gonna pitch me a project to write. Helluva year so far!
HOT TAKE: I vastly prefer BEVERLY HILLS COP 2 over the first one, because it's lean and mean and clearly the stylized work of its superlative director, Tony Scott! He made films like no other, and you always knew within five seconds that you were watching one of his!
Dinner tonight in Silverlake with a producer behind one of the biggest hooror/scifi franchises of the past 20 years. We've been friends forever and have long talked about doing something together. Pretty sure he's gonna pitch me a project to write. Helluva year so far!
HOT TAKE: I don't believe in writer's block, because I outline. I just get up and get to work!
This penguin erasure will mot stand!
TFW you go through your phone contacts and realize you have no clue who at least twenty people in there are.
Holy shit, I just met Warren Beatty and Annette Bening! Super nice and friendly. I love living in this town!
Coming home to this face always melts my heart…
It's probably just me, but I feel that if a film has a colon in its title, it has failed. Short, punchy titles forEVA.
Reposted byAvatar David Rosiak
If Trump wins, there are dangers to Americans (and other nations), even beyond the very real possibility of an end to democracy: dangers to your quality of life--at first--and then your life itself. Trump has pledged to dismantle environmental protections. The US will be an environmental wreckage.
Remember when a bunch of folks were talking about The Mandela Effect, and it turned out that people just have really shitty memories and they confused Nelson Mandela with Stephen Biko?
Spacing out my viewing of THE BEAR Season 3. This is a show so layered and filled with nuance that it should absolutely not be binged. It should be processed and mulled over and talked about.
Just got a month extension on this feature script deadline and, I shit you not, it feels like I won the lottery. The draft I turn in is gonna be so tight.
It amazes me that conservatives are only now figuring out that THE BOYS has been mocking them all along. I mean, the villain's name is fucking HOMELANDER... and they're just now getting it?
I've got no time for people who react to any positive development in my life with immediate negativity. You do that, you're gone. No second thoughts. Surrounding yourself with people who boost and motivate you is key.
Say what you will, but those first couple of Rage Against The Machine albums still absolutely RIP. Not a bad song in the bunch.