
Jesus wept. Do you know what Notepad is for? TAKING NOTES. Or being a copy/paste bin for a few seconds. Certainly not for any kind of serious writing. It's meant to be small, lightweight, and functional. Fucking *idiots.*
Microsoft is even adding AI to the Notepad app on Windows A new AI cowriting feature has been spotted in recent preview builds.
Fortunately because Notepad is about as cheap and simple as the plastic fork that comes with your takeout dinner, it's also simple to replace. Notepad++ will do you just fine.
This whole wave of "AI" bullshit being piled into Windows 11 is going to make Windows 8 look like a pleasant summer's afternoon in a hammock. And it's *the exact same kind* of obstinate idiocy in the executives pushing it onward. Remember the "Post-PC era?" How'd that work out?
I... Honestly don't remember that. How deep is that rabbit hole?
It was a weird fad(?) from ~2010-2016 in where everyone in tech and tech media got high on their own supply. Phones and Tablets were the future, for *everything*. Everything must have an app, everything except phones and tablets are fading away/dead.
2015: The year that gaming handhelds feel like they're finally fading At this year's E3, we'll hear a lot about PCs, game consoles, and virtual reality. But we've heard very, very little about portable gaming -- unless it's on a phone.
I never really thought about it, but yeah. Just like how everything today is trying to push AI, and it has the collective going "Why?" It was the same thing except with Touch screen interfaces, and mobile connectivity. - Why does a toaster oven or fridge have an app? Cause Apps are the new 'thing'