
A bit more about my setting This picture is basically canonically to it minus the entire audience since that is a big easter egg for several artist, let's see if you can identify them. #lore #worldbuilding #art #oc #Conceptart
But in my setting werewolves aren't considered rare nor monsters. They aren't super powered, and staying in their best forms is rather tiresome. But they are damn good trackers and special forces. In Crow of Prey there will be a main werewolf character but later down the line.
Specially because my design of the character was rather bad, it was back in the day when I didn't really know how to draw poc characters very well and this one was specially bad.
Also didn't help that my only black character was a werewolf. So he needs some redesign and I do plan on having other poc characters. Will show only this of that old design tho. His werewolf form, I also didn't had that much practice doing anthro style characters. Been getting better at it.
Another thing you can see in the band illustration on top is an elves, well in this case a half elf. I've yet to concept full elves yet. But you can also see these fellas, part of the fae, specifically Spriggans who can be part of any of the fae factions, Green, Blue and Black.
The Fae are a bit more isolated than most other races. But not to the extend that you wouldn't see them in the continent. They mainly live in the Fae Kingdoms, an island that has been divided by the courts each inspired by insects, crustacean and arachnids.
I haven't done an update of the world map yet, the most updated map being the Second Great War of Western Mittlan that I showed in my previous infodump. But I've developed their love a tiny little bit still.