Berna Devezer

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Berna Devezer

Uni of Idaho Assoc Prof • Metascience • Reproducibility • Scientific theory • Modeling • Stats • Photography • Cats • Cooking/Baking • Sailing
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
Back home for a bit and Random is owning his space just like he does everywhere! (The pinky lift is killing me here)
Back home for a bit and Random is owning his space just like he does everywhere! (The pinky lift is killing me here)
there's never a good reason to dunk on someone's physical appearance. it's never righteous or funny or deserved. it's deeply unkind and meanspirited, and always harms more than the immediate target. your eugenicist tendencies aren't any better than the other guy's racism.
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
There's still room to join my workshop on the generalized linear model from July 24-26. Learn how to estimate, visualize, and interpret binary, count, zero-inflated, hurdle, and all kinds of non-normal outcomes. This extends very easily to MLM and SEM!
Intro GLM Information — SMaRT
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
"Peter Buxtun, the whistleblower who revealed that the U.S. government allowed hundreds of Black men in rural Alabama to go untreated for syphilis in what became known as the Tuskegee study, has died" #histsci #philsci #hpbio #bioethics #medicalethics
Nautical life ftw — where there's still an radio frequency for this (and much more) actively used by sailors
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
I enjoy reading about my interests. I read books about writing the same way I read art and history books. So, because I feel like it, here are six books on writing that I like. Mileage varies. I didn't say 'the best', so don't come at me.
It's not even close to the beginning of the fall semester and I have already accepted to chair a search committee, yet again. After nominating myself to yet another university committee. Why do I keep doing this, after promising myself that I'll take it easy on service this year? (Rhetorical)
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
A corollary from that experience is the best time to push back and win is now. This is not going to get easier after the election or whatnot.
It was unthinkable (to me) for the US to look at 20+ years of authoritarian, corrupt, anti-intellectual, deskilled Erdoğan rule in Turkey and say "we want that!" yet here we are.
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
Quiet evening, light breeze, no fairway traffic: pump out evening! I steer out of our slip (hubby on docklines) smoothly. Go around, to the other fairway, make another smooth approach and we dock. Pump out doesn't work. We come right back in our slip, another smooth entry. Docking practice instead 🤷🏻‍♀️
What an amazing time to not be on Twitter! Thanks bsky 🙏🏻
Reposted byAvatar Berna Devezer
This just arrived, with contributions from Milena Ivanova, Nancy Cartwright, Mathias Egg, Finnur Dellsen, Michael Friedman and, of course, Bas van Fraassen himself.
Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 5 - The people edition The beginning - the tent - the outhouse - the ending
Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 4
Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 3 - Ladders edition
Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 2
Views from the West Coast Trail, Pacific Rim, Vancouver Island, CA #WCT Part 1
Made it back right on time for Anacortes farmer's market and of course now I'm shelling fava beans and peas. Dunno where I'll find space for them in the cooler of the boat but I couldn't find it in me to turn my back on these babies!
post-hike reunion with the pirate cats 🥰
In Turkish, we have tailored courtesy words offered at specific situations. For ex: When someone comes out of shower/bath, we wish them good health/long life. When we interact or come across someone who's working hard, we wish them ease at their jobs/with their toils. I miss those a lot in English.
One of the worst things about living abroad and socializing and working in different languages than your own Is that you lack the opportunities to use really good words from your mother tongue
From the Pocket University book (1914) I found in the breakfast room: "It is better to be mistaken than not to see anything... To notice a star in the sky, even to give it a wrong name, is something at all events."
In Victoria for a day. Finally got to have a proper bath after 9 days of blood & sweat. Stroll at the Fisherman's Wharf. 4-course meal where we had to explain to the waiter that we just came out of the WCT, hence, the bottomless appetite. Danced to street musicians by the harbor. Grateful for all.
We haven't felt the Vancouver Island earthquakes half an hour ago at all while facing the ocean at the Pachena Bay Campground. Hope all is well on the rest of the island.
Sincere posting 🧵: 90+ kms (55+ miles) of mud, forest, sand, pebbles, rocks, boulders, tidelands, 71 (x2) bridge crossings (including suspension bridges, collapsed ones, and many missing steps), over a thousand ladder steps (up & down), two cable car crossings (muscle powered), /1
eating freeze dried camp dinner watching the best show on earth (these are phone pics; they're *that* close. also weirdly, turns out there's only service from US providers here; not Canadian)
Sometimes what you need is a shelter to protect from the sun and you get lucky to get the king spot at the campsite. It's so hot I put on my yemeni to keep my hair out of my face. One thing I found delightfully different from mountain hikes is the creative use of beached buoys to mark trails etc.
We made it 42 km into the trail. The terrain changes from muddy climbs in the forest to endless ladders to dry/wet sand to boulders that my feet are killing me. Today's highlight: Around midday we got here, whistled to call a boat which took us across to Crab Shack. Fresh crab, fish, baked potato.
I spoke too soon! Tonight's campsite has whales swimming by AND bald eagles AND a wonderful waterfall (click the pic to view the panorama) on the beach AND a black bear coming toward us 😬👀
I spoke too soon! Tonight's campsite has whales swimming by AND bald eagles AND a wonderful waterfall (click the pic to view the panorama) on the beach AND a black bear coming toward us 😬👀
Took us 16 km (yay hello metric system!) of scrambling in ankle deep slippery mud and ladders but we made it to possibly one of the world's most beautiful campsites. Currently watching gray whales breach at the beach. This is heaven!