Dexter Palmer

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Dexter Palmer

Author of The Dream of Perpetual Motion (St. Martin's, 2010), Version Control (Pantheon, 2016), Mary Toft; or, The Rabbit Queen (Pantheon, 2019), and a work in progress (Pantheon, when it's done).
Dude got Twitter brainworms so bad that the Catholic Church declared him guilty of schism
Read this because I'm hyped for Furiosa—crazy to realize that the fate that befell the David Lynch Dune came within a hair of happening to this (studio suits panicking about a director spending their money on an extravagant set in the desert and cutting off funding before the film was really done)
The 4K (and presumably Blu-ray) releases of Civil War will have a making-of documentary by Charles de Lauzirika—his making-of docs for the first four Alien movies are some of the best you'll ever see (especially Wreckage and Rage: The Making of Alien 3)
Superman with that getting-ready-to-commute-to-work-on-a-Thursday look on his face—at last we're getting a Supes that regular people can identify with
People of a certain age will remember Whitley Strieber's Communion hanging out on the NYT nonfiction bestseller list for *months*—same vibe
One more thing about this book as I shelve it—if your book has a scene in which the President's Secret Service detail parachute-jumps with him out of Marine One because it's about to be rendered inoperable by the EMP/blast wave of a nuclear explosion, you can call it many things but not nonfiction
Realized that I got one of these stealth-POD books from Amazon (which was the only place that I could find it, despite the book being published by St. Martin's). Leafed through it and this is one of the page margins
Here's how you can tell. The last page has a bar code and lists where it was printed. My aunt bought this copy from Amazon and the day it was printed was the day she placed her order. Amazon does this when the warehouse is out of stock but it also keeps stock in warehouses as low as possible
Having a good run with short novels from small presses lately. This one, about the turbulent friendship between two art critics obsessed with the same painting, is spectacular—smart about criticism and very funny. It'll reward a second reading, I think.
But what if the inclusion of all three of these features puts a gleeful smile on your face? Yes... YES!
Read this short novel (175 pp.) in one sitting tonight. Goes to some dark places; acute characterization. Recommended if you're in the mood for something that doesn't advertise itself as psychological horror but is more unsettling than many books that do.
Picked this up today--good cover design
I ordered a kitchen scale online and this is the packaging it came in
Based on this screenshot teasing Folio Society's upcoming spring collection, it looks like they're hinting about an unlimited edition of the Gormenghast trilogy illustrated by Dave McKean. (I have the limited edition, and the maze pattern is the same as that on its case)
Now that I've finished reading Stephen King's The Shining and rewatched the Kubrick adaptation, I'm reading The Making of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (J.W. Rinzler/Lee Unkrich). 900 pages; very interesting so far (first chapter has photos of galley pages of King's novel with Kubrick's notes, e.g.)
End of feed.