Disem Genedom

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Disem Genedom


Dabbling artist and worldbuilder.
Not feeling all that celebratory right now, but I want to wish everyone in the USA as happy and determined a "NO KINGS!!" day as possible. Seems like a good time to speak up for the principle that those who hold authority must be held accountable for how they use it, however you feel able.
I think it's important to remember that if the forces of absurdly blatant and utterly pointless evil believed we were powerless against them, they wouldn't put so much effort into suppressing our power. What we do matters.
Copying over some more setting info from Twitter. Gonna work on (Project 15) now. Kherandafsah is the region of space that was once controlled or influenced by the ancient Kherandi Empire. No later country has come close to matching the power the Kherandar held in the area.
Autistic Pride Day! I am autistic. This is a fundamental part of who and what I am; without it, I would be a completely different portion. It has its challenges, but I like being me. I don't want to be someone else.
Finally got around to finishing a new profile pic. This character is Deshi Erina Kan-Lesir, a goblin from Kerwahn (Project 1-3-1). She lives near a small town in the low mountains of eastern Maer Dyleth, on the continent Arumach, near the edge of Devar's zone of control.
My current half-game, half-writing project involves running through a series of arena matches to build a collection of gladiator characters with abilities determined by their experiences. Gladiators as a group are important in Iskan (though politically powerless).
(Project 6) Tharlinde is a large cylindrical planet with vast walls of ice blocking off the ends. It is circled by a much smaller brightly glowing sun and four dimly glowing moons. Tharlinde is a deeply magical world with numerous and very active gods.
For a while on Twitter, I was posting little bits and pieces from randomly selected worldbuilding projects. I should probably copy that stuff over here. Going to start with my current focus: Project 6, Tharlinde... which only came up once on my random draw, so I don't have much to copy.
End of feed.