
feeling nostalgic after all the recent launches and wanted to share a quick visual history of the maturation of the atproto network just a year ago, this entire network was contained on one server - the primordial PDS (also plz excuse my horrible artistic skills πŸ’…)
we tried to be disciplined while building the primordial PDS to not cut any undue corners it used many protocol concepts under the hood but functioned as a centralized service this discipline eased the friction of evolving this centralized service into a proper distributed network
the first open role that we made available in the network was the feed generator this allowed any developer to create a custom algorithm - permissionlessly and with full control over how it is constructed
we shipped some initial feeds bundled into the PDS and shortly after we released our own "Discover" feed generator the above graphic doesn't do this justice as we saw dozens and later hundreds of feed generators pop into the network
in july, we split the PDS into two pieces - the Appview and the PDS
this involved setting up a streaming API for accessing all data on the PDS - the same firehose that feed generators and labelers use today we spun up a new service and backfilled all network data in the exact manner that any third party dev would do so
we had known for a while that we would need coordinating "relays" that would facilitate simple crawling of the network in preparation for federation, we added the relay into the mix. at this point, it just added an extra hop into our architecture, but it prepared us for the next step: federation
β€œServer” yeah this was definitely someone’s MacBook for a while
now, thanks to the power of Ozone, it can be everyone's Macbook
I can really 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 my posts going through that bespoke Docker setup
Are you feeling the Kubernetes yet? (I'm sending out those vibes)
2017-06-19 09:27:40.156845 I | etcdserver/api/v3rpc: grpc: addrConn.resetTransport failed to create client transport: connection error: desc = "transport: dial tcp [::]:2379: connect: cannot assign requested address"; Reconnecting to {[::]:2379 }
is it yet at the point where it's not contained on multiple servers owned by one company?
yup vast majority of PDSs, feed generators, and labelers are run by folks outside the company
hmm. how can i find one? i have a repo to upload from a previous account of mine.
πŸ“Œ saving it for later, very cool read
Hello Daniel, I am currently trying to make an Admin on PDS, Im running into error 404, did you by any chance run into this issue. And do you know how I may be able to fix it. Thank You