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An expat, most of the time...
Reposted byAvatar Diademo
💥 Puppies against fireworks... 💥 ... signed by cats too. 🐾 x.com/LorenzoTheCa...
💥 Puppies against fireworks... 💥 ... signed by cats too. 🐾 x.com/LorenzoTheCa...
Ahead of tomorrow's UK 🇬🇧 election, Russia's information warfare is in overdrive. Far-right leader Farage amasses 39 billion video views as his Russian-backed Reform party dominate social media election battle. The UK/MAGA crossover isn't a coincidence... www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/poli...
Raise your paws 🐾 if you don't have to go to jail today... x.com/LorenzoTheCa... #Cats #Caturday #CatsOfBluesky #Pets
😂😂😂 Campaign group Led by Donkeys has disrupted Nigel Farage's latest Reform rally with a Putin banner. x.com/ByDonkeys/st...
At today's match between Ukraine and Belgium, fans have revealed a banner with a portrait of a fallen Ukrainian warrior. The banner has 182 portraits of fallen Ukrainian defenders, who in civilian life belonged to fan movements of Ukrainian sports clubs. x.com/Gerashchenko...
The trial of Wall Street Journal reporter #EvanGershkovich, accused of espionage, has began in #Russia. It will be held behind closed doors; Evan faces up to 20 years in prison. Journalism is not a crime... #IStandWithEvan www.wsj.com/world/falsel...
Ukrainian fearless warriors on the lookout... #Ukraine #Cats #CatsOfBluesky #Pets
Reposted byAvatar Diademo
Great news and a well deserved recognition of Bill Browder’s bravery and commitment in fighting for human rights. "I'll use the benefits of knighthood in my work to help free Vladimir Kara-Murza and help Ukraine fight back against Russia." Congrats, Sir Bill. www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home...
Something positive: The endangered Przewalski's wild horses (six mares and a stallion from Berlin and Prague) have returned to the Kazakh steppes for the first time in 200 years. www.bbc.com/news/article...
People who survived Russian captivity testified how they were beaten, raped, their fingers were cut, their knees were drilled and their eyes were dug out with a spoon. "The occupation does not reduce human suffering but simply makes it invisible." - Oleksandra Matviichuk, Nobel prize laureate
8-year-old Marta makes jewelry to raise money to buy drones for Ukrainian defenders. She already raised money to buy two drones, and plans to continue. I stand with Ukrainian children... x.com/Gerashchenko...
Four Russian warships and a submarine fled the Russian waters to the safety of #Cuba on the other side of the world out of reach of Ukrainian strikes. Hiding the Black Sea fleet in Cuba... 🤣 x.com/igorsushko/s...
For all the drama in France and Germany, projections of a broader hard-right takeover of the EU did not materialised. The new parliament will lean to the right, but the wider shift to nationalist parties has failed. Outside France and Germany, the centre holds. x.com/TheEconomist...
Holocaust survivors has issued an appeal before this weekend’s European parliament election urging younger voters to go to the polls and prevent the far right from gaining power. “We couldn’t prevent the rise of nazism back then, but you can today.” 📷 Yesterday's anti-Orban rally in Budapest...
British partroopers jumping into Normandy in 2024 have to....go through customs. Thanks, Brexit... 😡 x.com/ianbremmer/s...
France made a correct decision not to invite any representatives of Putin's Russia to the D-Day anniversary ceremony today. The blood-soaked shores of Normandy have no place for those who serve the regime that wages the largest war of aggression in Europe since WW II. x.com/IAPonomarenk...
● Quote of the day ● What happens if a Russian fighter jet is shot down by a Western weapon in Russian airspace? "It only means that Russia will have one less plane" - Chair of the German Defense Committee #MicDrop 🎤 👏
An incredible picture of June 4, 1989 at Tiananmen Square. What a potential world was destroyed that day! 🥀 x.com/chinarhyming
They know about the #votes in Georgia; they know he cheats on #taxes; they know that he has contempt for #women; they know he tried to derail the #certification of the election and that he took the #documents from the WH. "They know that almost every word out his mouth is a lie." - Charlie Sykes
After another Russian attack, he was left alone and refuses to leave the house. He's guarding the ruins of his home... 💔 #Ukraine #Dogs #Pets #DogsOfBlueSky #DogsOfBsky x.com/Gerashchenko...
Today, Maryana returned home from Russian captivity. In 2022, UN and ICRC representatives promised to evacuate her to Zaporizhia, but took her to a Russian filtration camp instead. She spent two years in captivity. I can only imagine what she went through... 💔 #StandWithUkraine
Iryna, 25, died near the front in Kharkiv region just days before her birthday. "I want children, a house, a garden and bushes with beautiful flowers, and wait for friends at the BBQ in the backyard... but the most important thing is to end the war." - Iryna Tsybukh #StandWithUkraine
Countries confirmed or indicated that their weapons could be used in attacks on Russian territory: YES 👍 list so far: - UK - France - Netherlands - Denmark - Poland - Finland - Lithuania - Sweden - Czechia The NO 👎 list is shorter: - US - Germany - Italy C'mon US & DE, do the right thing!