
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
As if AI is an actual “need”
It is, for C-suites. They think it can do the job of the lower level orifice workers. They have this idea that it'll magically print money so profit goes up without them having to really PAY anyone. They don't realize how damaging, dangerous, and deranged it really is.
Imagine their disappointment when they find out they don’t need the office building, but they do need the workers. The exact opposite of what they wanted.
Oh they found that out in the pandemic. And have kept FAFOing, because it turns out the only reason they have those huge office buildings are for taxes (duh). Commuting hurts productivity AND the environment. FUCK office buildings, remote all the work you can.
I’ve been working remote since 2017. At the time, my location’s office shut and the CTO straight up told us, “well I don’t think you will be as effective as in office engineers,” after we had just done a controlled experiment that proved we were more effective remote. Execs gonna exec. 😛
Hate C(X)Os. They get paid far more than they're worth, and do virtually nothing. So done with that culture. Then again, I'm an anarchist. So I'm all about tearing down the system and building back better for the workers.