
So, a question for #breadsky folk: Who's got a good recipe for a fairly sticky/sugary sinnamon or cinnamon-roll bread? I want to try it in the nonstick loaf pans and see how they behave. (These pans: )
Two new bread pans: a report - Out of A couple of new (lidded!) bread pans/tins arrive in the house. Our initial test results are here...
OMG, *maple.* (helpless drooling) I might have to find a way around that particular ingredient, because maple has a good chance of kicking me in the IBS.(1/2)
... But also, there's a terrible stereotype-trope about Irish women having to clean the empty (half-pint) whiskey bottles out of their husbands' pockets—except in the case of mine, *it's maple syrup bottles.* ...And hence we have no maple syrup right now, because SOMEBODY DRANK IT. :) (2/2)
...Oh wait, it calls for maple *flavoring.* Okay A slight improvement. (Except we don't have any of that either...) :/
Do you mean *drank* drank it? Like slugging a nip straight down the gullet from a half-jack or hip flask, except a lot slower?
I have to admit I've never actually caught him in the act. Yet again and again I am presented with the evidence: a bottle in the cupboard that was full last week and is now half empty. Or missing. (To his credit, though, at least he's never tried the "A big boy did it and ran away" defense...) :)
Yup. An occasional sip from the bottle to "sweeten the spit", as they say. Not chugged, that would be gross. Also sticky. Where it mostly goes is onto yogurt. Honey on Greek-style, but for regular, a slug of maple syrup (and/or fresh pineapple chunks) is Just The Thing. And now you know..
Ok, but was it 100% pure? Because that stuff is. It's like water. You can use it in anything.
Very suspicious! 😂 Maybe he puts it in his tea/coffee/cocoa? That’s what I would do if I had any maple syrup lying around. Possibly because that is what I *do* do with any whiskey I find lying around.
...I am suddenly reminded that as an adult who lives alone I would not get in trouble if I picked this childhood habit back up. Nifty. Maple syrup is delicious.
(chuckle) Mostly it's funny... until I actually *want* to put maple syrup on something. THEN that variety of manliness loses its appeal and I wish he'd done that with the whiskey instead. It's not like whiskey is hard to find around here! But the maple syrup prices would make your eyes water. :/
...I mean, the Tesco is charging €7.69 for a 330g bottle of Canadian maple syrup, and €10.50 for a 200ml bottle of (Powers) whiskey. They're not a million miles apart... :/
Has the gentleman not yet developed a taste for caviar?
...But I take your point about the size of the recipe. Ye gads. EIGHT cups of flour? Eek. Yeah, reducing it makes sense. :) Thanks for pointing me at it, anyway!
No problem! I've reduced it down to the point where I couldn't divide the smallest ingredient down without leaving the realm of tsp, and if I remember correctly, I got like... 2-3 9in pans out of it. Somewhere I've got the math I did, but I image it'll be easier to shrink using weights. :)
Here's my sticky bun recipe. I have adapted it at times to make a loaf or a tearaway bread. /1
Dough: Melt one stick of butter in a sauce pan that you can easily pour from. If you wish and I usually do, add poppyseeds to the melting butter. Whisk four eggs in a large bowl or stand mixer bowl. Whisk in 1/2 cup sugar. Whisk in the butter in a slow smooth stream to avoid cooking the eggs. /2
Whisk in 1 cup warm water. Then whisk in 1 tablespoon or standard package of yeast and 1 1/2 teaspoon salt. Whisk or mix in 3 cups AP or pastry flour to make a sponge. Let rise 1 hour. The sponge will resemble unearthly terrain. Do not use it for RPG minis. /3
Mix in 3 more cups of flour. Depending on humidity you may need to add up to two more cups. At this point there are two options. 1. Rough puff. Cut up two sticks of butter and mix them into the dough. Then roll the dough out and fold it a few times until it feels smooth. /4
2. Lamination. Roll out the dough and laminate in two sticks of butter as for Croissants or puff pastry. Using two double folds. There is no need to chill between foldings. Either way you now need to chill the dough for at least 2 hours. It can be chilled overnight. /5
Cinnamon filling: 2 cups sugar As much cinnamon as you like but at least one tablespoon. Whisk together. Egg wash: Whisk 1 large egg with a little water. /6
It's been a while since I made it, but I recently had a photo of the finished result turn up in my Facebook memories, and this cinnamon pull apart bread is really delicious. Best eaten warm.
Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Welcome to the best cinnamon pull-apart bread you will EVER make! Every layer is another dimension of delightful cinnamon and sugary goodness. What is
we have such non stick pans and we do bread with them problem is, after some 10 loaves, it stops being non-stick :(