
My new punk eco-terrorism climate SF thriller book #EXTREMOPHILE is out in Aug. It rocks. But don't trust me! Trust the wise ones! Pre-order here or wherever you dig: Pre-order now:
‘A radical, explosive story full of wild hope and venomous rage' - Hannah Kaner, bestselling author of GODKILLER (Godkiller is a beaut, if you dig swords you should read it)
‘Absolute dirty-nailed cutting-edge biopunk. A world you can taste like a film of grime on the tongue. Phenomenally imaginative.’ , author of a million wonderful things- my favourite being CAGE OF SOULS
‘A thrilling ride, full of invention and excitement.’ -Josie Long - her shorty story collection 'Because I Don't Know What You Mean and What You Don't' is out now, and she is one of the funniest people in the world
'Vivid, visceral and utterly compelling, Extremophile blasts new life into the cyberpunk genre. A heady mash-up of biology, punk, art, activism, hackers, murky morality and ultimately, hope...’ , author of the FACTUS sequence- start with TEN LOW, thank me later
‘An impassioned, compulsive riot. Imagine an upstart setting a thriller amid the punk parties, bio-hack labs and liminal spaces of near-future London.’ Jamie Collinson - a music man! His book THE REJECTS is a must-read this year
'a pure shot of literary adrenaline - achingly smart, gritty, funny and a hell of a lot of fun' Molly Flatt, author of genre-busting THE CHARMED LIFE OF ALEX MOORE. Love that book- loop theory consciousness, ancient magics, stone circles, london start-up culture, romance?!
‘A fast-paced action story full of violence, humour and smarts, Extremophile is also about grief, loss, hope and the climate catastrophe. Cyberpunk may be old hat, but BIOPUNX NOT DEAD!' Will Ashon, author of CHAMBER MUSIC (the most audacious and cool music book I've ever read)