William Gibson

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William Gibson


Author of Neuromancer and, most recently, Agency (still above from “Kill Switch”, The X-Files, Season 5, Episode 11, co-written with Tom Maddox)
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
it's true though, if Trump loses the election, I have received secret communiques that suggest our new state name will be WOKESYLVANIA and our state bird will be TAYLOR SWIFT
Trump’s brain is soup
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
I feel a deep spiritual kinship with pictures of Peter Cushing and his huge collection of miniatures
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Spring cleaning starting a month early in 2024, just like the boulevard flowers. I've put out 15 boxes of top-end used stock since 10am, with a 60 box collection (cultural studies; literature) hot on those heels.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
It's almost Valentine's Day so it's my yearly reminder that lilies are DEADLY to cats. Every single part of the lily. Even the tiniest sniff of pollen will send a cat into kidney failure within an hour. Lilies are a death sentence. If you have cats DO NOT have lilies in your home!
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
:) “ooooh shiny” is about 40% of my day - if I’m lucky
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Neo is disappointed in some of you. Most of you. Almost all of you.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Previously: bsky.app/profile/coli...
I have escaped the confines of linear time or maybe I forgot to write the post on the day you three-dimensional beings think of as “yesterday.” This is a picture of my dogs. #DogsOfBluesky CW: Dog eye contact. Mlem.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Tokyo snow
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Still not used to the handbills for 24-hour bicycle-delivered psilocybin, yesterday I saw one for a coca-leaf tea bar on East Hastings.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
There's a flood watch in Allen on a tiny map, and my husband thought it said Alien and got pretty excited about the alien alert.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
*glom* on @jwomack.bsky.social - man, I'm I glad to see you back!
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Hi @bsky.app and @safety.bsky.app. What happened to @ariemoyal.com’s account. Why did so much of Arié’s stuff get deleted.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Some good news: There's a "backlash" against right wing culture-warring in this district in the Philly suburbs, he told me. Right wingers are losing school board races. That's a really good sign, because this is classic swing territory. 4/ Listen: newrepublic.com/article/1786...
Is Trump Slowly Imploding? Here’s a Place to Look for Hidden Clues.newrepublic.com A crucial special election in the Philadelphia suburbs will tell us a lot about 2024. We spoke to the Democratic candidate about what he’s seeing on the ground.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
I’m telling you, your Joe-Joe’s and overpackaged fruit aren’t worth it “A transcript acquired by Bloomberg through the Freedom of Information Act shows Murphy informing Judge Charles Muhl that he’d like to add ‘one final thing’…’The National Labor Relations Act…is unconstitutional’”
Trader Joe’s Rejects the New Dealjacobin.com Trader Joe’s, the supposedly progressive grocery chain, has joined Elon Musk’s SpaceX in attacking the constitutionality of the National Labor Relations Board. The employer class can’t stomach a...
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
It’s still not Jack and now it says it’s blocked me.
@jwomack.bsky.social @pfrazee.com sorry to tag you but jwomack is a really helpful, good account for surfacing interesting content and shouldn’t be tagged as spam. can you help?
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
I would humbly argue that the Missouri AG arguing that an innocent person should be kept on death row because to reopen his case would destabilize the system is proof that the system most motherfucking definitely needs to be destabilized.
Big news today: StL Co. Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell is seeking to vacate Marcellus Williams' conviction. The MO AG thinks that revisiting wrongful convictions destabilizes the criminal legal system. So, yeah, expect the state to fight this. theintercept.com/2024/01/29/m...
St. Louis County Prosecutor Seeks to Vacate Death Penalty Conviction of Marcellus Williamstheintercept.com Citing crime scene DNA that didn’t match Marcellus Williams, Wesley Bell asked a Missouri court to review evidence of his innocence.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
we are on the verge of having a second political phenomenon called "Swiftboating" that has a meaning entirely separate from its first occurrence
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Although we're all making fun of DeSantis's humiliation, we shouldn't forget that his anti-vax crusade — in service of his doomed run — probably killed thousands of people
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
I, for one, am shocked and surprised that Desantis will not be the GOP nominee, and on an unrelated note here is a sneak peek at a panel from tomorrow morning's cartoon
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
I'm submitting this as part of my lawsuit against the teacher responsible for me learning how to read.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
Louisiana weather dispatch: The mailbox is frozen shut, and I either saw a flurry or hallucinated it. Big plans to bake a king cake for storm prep.
Reposted byAvatar William Gibson
A king of Iowa ain’t no king of mine