
Evidence emerging from the days after the 2020 Election and up to Jan. 6 have led to three more indictments, this time in Wisconsin. One defendant is Kenneth Chesebro, but this case could spread and even embroil Wisconsin’s senior senator, Ron Johnson. My write up in the replies.
But of course Senator Arrogance who so sure Convict Donnie Drumpf was president had another reason to be an election denier. The POS was (allegedly) complicit in an attempt to subvert the state's election results. Alas, Senators going to jail are rare but not unheard of. #ETTD
I still am surprised that they were just going to forge their way into a coup -- and it seems to get so little real anger. Every time a GOP person suggests that the voting system is rigged, remind them over and over that multiple GOP cronies in multiple states committed blatant forgery.
Republicans really are stupid. Only a couple researched the consequences for involvement in forging Certificates of Ascertainment (the doc that Pence counts on Jan 6). Just signing one is a crime. Its a FELONY. Your signature is on it. It can be verified its yours. Morons.
They were all counting on presidential pardons
Some were. I also think some of the fake electors were easily manipulated by the plotters and by right wing news and should have consulted private attorneys before signing.
I am also tired many stories still say "no evidence was found to support the claim of significant, result-altering voter fraud," and leave out "at the polls on election day, but significant evidence indicates that many GOP-aligned supporters committed forgery in an attempt to overturn the outcome."
The really cool thing is that the actual cases of in-person voter fraud that have been reported were all Republicans trying to vote illegally. Not that you can make the slightest dent in they're self assurance with that
That Mark Meadows voting story seemed to fade away... On top of there being little evidence of voter fraud, I never understood why there was no challenge to the GOP assumption that all fraud would be committed by Democrats, and there was *magically* no fraud in a race actually won by the GOP.
Please let this further expose Ron Johnson!
Our best bet is to try Ron Johnson in the court of public opinion. Sure, the Repubs won't participate. We don't need those pathetic weenies. Just start "chanting" What Did Ron Know and When Did He Know it.
Abso"F'ng"lutely! Wisconsin got taken for a ride between GM and FoxConn, with thanks, Scott Walker. Thankful they have Ben Wikler paying attention!
Johnson really needs to go to jail.
Johnson: But I was just the delivery boy!
Wait. A guy from Wisconsin with the name Chesebro?
Russian Ron is innocent comrade!