RDS (formerly shawphd)

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RDS (formerly shawphd)


Former historian, current indexer. She/her, cis. Cats, nature, crafts, sci fi/fantasy. Covid aware. Chicago parent. GenX. West Coast ex-pat. I block and mute freely.

Need an index for your scholarly book in the humanities or social sciences? Contact me.
At least six people who I know are diligent about taking precautions, including masking in public, are sick this week Step up your precautions if you haven’t already
literally almost everyone i know in NYC who went out last weekend tested positive. even those who were masking. pls mandate masking if you are organizing a protest. you do not care about your community if you don't care about protecting each other from covid.
NYC COVID cases up 250% in 2 months — and this variant's harder to duckgothamist.com The increases is driven by the new FLiRT variant.
But he's right in the sense that I'd vote for a random wad of cat hair and oreo crumbs from deep inside my couch before considering a narcissistic nepo-ghoul who casually murders people in developing nations with vaccine misinformation as a hobby.
use the immunity power to make election day a national holiday, do it Brandon
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
Not arguing with the spirit of the request but it’s just really funny that we’ve been begging people to unsubscribe from the NYT forever for wave after wave of anti-trans articles, cheerleading the genocide of Palestinians etc, but the “don’t vote” opinion article was the dealbreaker
Another thing to think about re the elite revolt against Biden is he *is* the president who funded the tax police and ended the cozy wink, nudge relationship on dodging the taxes they claim to support.
If you're feeling gross and lethargic and drinking something seems too exhausting, that means you're already not in good shape and you need to get some fucking liquid and electrolytes in you and get cooled off. There is killing heat all over the place right now.
We're hitting 113°F here. If you're also experiencing high heat today, for the love of fuck DRINK WATER Not some sissy little sip every hour or so. You fucking chug that goddamn water jesus christ and stay out of the fucking sun I've already had to yell at one beloved fool getting dehydrated today
Unmasked leftists, are you “being shamed” when told to wear an n95 or feeling shame when realizing your actions & values don’t align? If you can’t tolerate discomfort, you can’t learn, grow, or resist systems of oppression. Expand your capacity for discomfort to expand your potential to liberate.
Rosy Maple Moth IT'S SO FLUFFY 🌿
Also, I honestly don't know much about dogs but I think most of this applies to them, too? I do know that more pets go missing in the U.S. on the 4th of July holiday than any other time of year, so please just be extra mindful of all the babbys.
Fireworks suck! Here are some tips from cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado for keeping your cats safe and happy this 4th of July. www.instagram.com/p/C87GFSBpgyk/ 1. Make sure your cats are inside. Even if they normally go out, the 4th is not a good day for them to roam. (con't)
Good to know that my mobility aids are what make me unfit for any position of power or influence. For, as we all know, once you're a cripple, you're basically brain dead, too. Critique Biden for a host of things he's done, not for the spectre of perhaps needing a damn rollator.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
New study by Linsey Marr: “We aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 & pulled it through masks. After 1hr we were able to recover infectious virus from fabric masks but not an N95 or surgical mask. When we pressed artificial skin against the masks we found viral RNA but no infectious virus on the skin.” #MasksWork
Stability of Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 on Masks and Transfer to Skinpubs.acs.org The potential for masks to act as fomites in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been suggested but not demonstrated experimentally or observationally. In this study, we aerosolized a suspension of SAR...
As far as I'm concerned anyone telling people not to vote, in this election or any other, is doing for malign purposes, and the only correct response is "Well now I am going to vote EVEN HARDER."
see also the posts floating around pointing out that the author of that piece has voted in the last few elections according to voter records
It is actually not great when wealthy elites try to have this much influence on the nominee, whether or not you think Biden is fit to serve.
Many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to pressure President Biden to abandon his re-election campaign and help lay the groundwork for an alternate candidate.
Major Democratic Donors Devise Plans to Pressure Biden to Step Asidewww.nytimes.com The president appears intent on remaining on the ballot, while wealthy donors are discussing plans to put their money elsewhere.
People are being remarkably complacent about ignoring the results of the primaries and that’s far more disturbing than Biden being old
Found a friend in the lavender today
Are you a registered Democrat? Are you represented by any Dems in the U.S. House of Representatives or the Senate? How about your governor? Today is an excellent day to reach out and leave a voicemail about any pressing concerns you may have....
If you're a member of a political party (i.e. a registered voter), and you want to communicate something important to your party's leadership, reaching out to any federal electeds who are also members of your party (congress, senate) or any statewide official (governor) is a way to communicate
Just to be really explicit about what’s happening here, the cover conflates age, physical disability, and cognitive disability, and goes on to conflate disability with unfitness for office. It’s utter bullshit.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
This but unironically.
"In a field that’s relied (sometimes to an exploitive extent) on a sense of joy that comes from making things, my largely anecdotal sense is that post-pandemic reserves of joy may be running low." @derekkrissoff.bsky.social on book publishing's "return to normal":
Books after Covidderekkrissoff.substack.com A contested return to normal
Yeah it seems bad that the normal things a normal candidate would do to bounce back and move the news cycle past this (eg hold a bunch of unscripted town halls and interviews and bring big energy) he is *just not doing*
I once wandered in there during the Stripping and it scarred me in ways I cannot describe. I , taught from birth to fear the sun when it is VERY FUCKING HOT OUTSIDE was forever changed by this. They are strange, these people of this exotic land. A proud, tribal, quaint people. But oh so strange.
a charmingly goofy thing about portland is that it’s dark here half the year so once the temp hits 90, every white person in town strips down and becomes a reflective surface bright enough to be seen from space
This just seemed like a funny drawing to spend a lot of time on
A lot of white progressives really need to think critically about why their instinctive response to a law that amounts to "don't be an a**hole in public" is "but that's racist".
I think this part of it but I feel a bigger part is that masks remind us of vulnerability and collective action and the failure of our institutions to step up for us, and the people in charge *really* want us to sink back into complacency, apathy, and despair instead of pushing for change
I really believe the increase in anti-masking we’re seeing across different political levels is tied to a desire to make things easier for the police surveillance state. To me, it’s the only thing that explains the shift from understanding masks keep us safe when dealing with respiratory illness.