
The University of Minnesota hung Georgia O'Keefe's painting "Oriental Poppies" vertically for many years. It is now correctly displayed as the artist intended, in a horizontal orientation. But that's no dino butt on backwards.
Let us never forget: Kansas City has a Tyrannosaurus model that was assembled with it's butt on backwards. Wife for scale
(Actually it may have just been a poster that had the painting incorrectly vertical, not sure.)
(I think my parents had that poster and if I could lay my hands on it, I wonder if it's worth more, like a misprinted stamp)
No, I was right in the first place: The University of Minnesota hung a Georgia O'Keefe painting the wrong way for three decades. This is from 1986.
An example from that period (1964) has Georgia O'Keefe's painting in an (incorrect) vertical orientation. as it was displayed at the U of MN art museum (now Weisman Art Museum) for three decades
Anyway, there was more to that 1986 story about the U of MN art museum fixing a decades-old mistake in how it had Georgia O'Keefe's painting hanging. Many newspapers from Wisc. to Virginia carried the UPI article. Here is the rest from a longer version (No idea why she's 1st name on 2nd reference):