
Rosalynn got to the afterlife and took out Kissinger, I wonder if Jimmy has his target picked already.
lets be honest, the toughest SOB holding a US passport is Jimmy Carter and it isn't close to close, one of the few people in history who went into a nuclear reactor came back out and nothing at all happened and now dude has lasted over a year in hospice, literal brain cancer cannot beat this guy
Maybe the sheer difficulty of deciding which is most necessary is what's keeping him on this side.
I think he's earned a few freebies
(My theory is he's hanging on in hopes of outliving the Guinea worm)
I earnestly desire context for this comment
He's devoted much of the last 30 years to the cause of its total eradication. Man once negotiated a six-month cease fire in Sudan -- the longest humanitarian ceasefire in recorded modern history -- to allow aid workers to get in to some of the worst-affected places.
In 1986 there were 3.5 million cases a year. In 2023 there were 14. There haven't been any reported so far in 2024. He said in 2015 when he announced his brain cancer that he hoped he'd outlive the Guinea worm, and it's very possible he might still live to see a year with no reported cases.
This is truly beautiful. Billionaires try to be one quarter as useful as jimmy carter challenge
Carter has the advantage of being aware of all the terrible shit his status (“was US president”) made him responsible for and has been seeking atonement since. Most/all billionaires are not so introspective.
I knew Jimmy Carter was good people but 😭 may he be blessed
His foundation has done *amazing* work on parasitical diseases in general. Some of the most successful humanitarian programs ever run.
It honestly gives me such hope to hear this. With focused resources and care there are so many ways we can easily improve things
Yes! The Carter Center is an incredibly efficient and effective humanitarian organization and their approach has been a model for a lot of other operations.
most people called saints are shitty. Jimmy Carter, Mr Rogers and Dolly Parton are/were the real deal.
He backed a foundation for eradicating a terrible parasite.