American Historical Association

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American Historical Association

The American Historical Association is the largest professional organization serving historians in all fields and all professions.
#skystorians, as you start working on syllabi, you may want to check out SourceNotes, a free tool developed by two historians to help teach research skills. The creators wrote about it in #AHAPerspectives this week. 🗃️
Teaching the Thrill of Historical Thinking – In developing SourceNotes, two historians have found a way to teach historical research collaboratively.
This tool looks *fantastic*!!!
#skystorians, as you start working on syllabi, you may want to check out SourceNotes, a free tool developed by two historians to help teach research skills. The creators wrote about it in #AHAPerspectives this week. 🗃️
Teaching the Thrill of Historical Thinking – In developing SourceNotes, two historians have found a way to teach historical research collaboratively.
The Tuesday, July 23, Teacher Institute has been postponed. Check back soon for an updated date and time. In the meantime, the July 24 Teacher Institute will continue as planned.
The AHA has signed on to a letter from the Coalition for International Education (CIE) recommending strong funding for HEA-Title VI International Education and Foreign Language Studies programs in FY 2025, including Fulbright-Hays programs. 🗃️
AHA Signs On to CIE Letter Recommending Strong Funding for Title VI Programs in The AHA has signed on to a letter from the Coalition for International Education (CIE) recommending strong funding for HEA-Title VI International Education and Foreign Language Studies programs in FY ...
Register now for #AHAOnline Teacher Institute: Native Peoples and the Architecture of US History on July 24, a free, 4.5-hour, online professional development program. With a presentation from Ned Blackhawk and a roundtable discussion with museum educators. 🗃️
2024 AHA Online Teacher Institute: Native Peoples and the Architecture of US This institute will focus on how teachers at any level can center the perspectives and experiences of Native peoples throughout the entirety of US history.
From #AHAPerspectives in 2023: "Understanding the Manhattan Project and its legacy demands listening to the voices and perspectives of hundreds of thousands of people," wrote Alexandra Levy. "Oppenheimer’s is but one chapter in the story of the atomic age." 🗃️
When the Big Screen Isn’t Big Enough – There’s a lot more to the story of the atomic bombs than Oppenheimer showed.
Register now for #AHAOnline Teacher Institute: Material Culture in World History on July 23, a free, 4.5-hour, online professional development program for educators, including middle and high school teachers and 2- and 4-year college faculty. 🗃️
2024 AHA Online Teacher Institute: Material Culture in World This institute will focus on material culture as a lens through which to explore the connections across continents, oceans, and regions that are central to the project of world history.
This Thursday, the AHA will host a Congressional Briefing offering historical perspectives on the role of the federal government on issues of academic freedom in higher education. With panelists David A. Bell, Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, and David M. Rabban, and James Grossman as moderator. 🗃️
The Federal Government & Academic Freedom in Higher This briefing offered historical perspectives on federal regulation of media, especially pertaining to social media.
In 10 weeks, Richard Tomczak took first-year students from novices in colonial history to signing their own Olive Branch Petition. Read about his Stony Brook University course recreating the Second Continental Congress in #AHAPerspectives. 🗃️
Are These Truths Self Evident? – In 10 weeks, Richard Tomczak took first-year students from novices in colonial history to signing their own Olive Branch Petition.
The AHA has sent letters to Tarleton State University leadership expressing deep concern about the decision not to renew the contract of historian Ted Roberts "for comments made outside of the context of his university employment.” 🗃️
AHA Sends Letters to Tarleton State University Leadership Concerning Non-Renewal of Historian’s The AHA has sent letters to leaders at Tarleton State University expressing “deep concern” about the decision not to renew the contract of historian Ted Roberts.
From #AHAPerspectives in 2015: Nancy F. Cott explained how the Supreme Court's landmark decision on same-sex marriage featured differences in historical interpretation of the institution of marriage in the majority and dissenting opinions. 🗃️
Which History in Obergefell v. Hodges? – History really matters in Obergefell v. Hodges [et al.], the US Supreme Court case that has brought equal marriage rights to same-sex couples in every state.
Check out the AHR's June issue, with articles that rethink approaches to global, environmental, and intellectual history, #AHRHistoryLab pieces on digital history and modes of public-making, and #AHRSyllabus modules exploring state standards in the classroom and teaching with an AHR article. 🗃️
AHR Current Issue - Current Issue June 2024 Vol 129 | Issue 2 Check out the AHR's June issue, with articles that rethink approaches to global, environmental, and intellectual history, History Lab pieces that focus on dig...
From #AHAOnline in 2020: This panel offered a historical examination of debates for the nation's highest office and connected these historical precedents with the 2020 election. With, Kathryn Cramer Brownell, Peniel E. Joseph, and Newton N. Minow. 🗃️
Presidential Debates in Historical Perspective – In preparation for the first 2020 presidential debates on September 29, this panel offered a historical examination of debates for the nation's highest office and connects these historical precedents ...
Learn from a historian presenting their scholarship in an amicus brief . . . or another format outside traditional academic publishing. Medical historians have been writing many amicus briefs recently, including one filed for a case about mifepristone in the 4th Circuit. #AHAReads
I’ve made my calls already to my OH state rep and the OH speaker of the house to ask them to stop this bill which will harm higher ed in OH. If you’re in OH, do contact your rep ASAP!
Action Alert: SB 83, which would "undermine the integrity of education in Ohio’s public universities," is being considered in the Ohio House of Representatives. We encourage Ohio residents to contact your representative and urge they vote against the bill. 🗃️
Action Alert Opposing Ohio SB SB 83 is being considered by the Ohio House of Representatives after narrowly passing the Senate. The AHA encourages constituents to reach out to their elected representatives to urge them to vote aga...
From #AHAPerspectives in 2022: As a historian of American law and women, Linda K. Kerber looked at Dobbs v. Jackson and other recent SCOTUS decisions as a serious departure from previous jurisprudence. "Where, oh where, is stare decisis?" she wrote. 🗃️
Frightened – After more than 50 years as a historian, Linda K. Kerber worries about the future of legal protections in the United States.
Action Alert: SB 83, which would "undermine the integrity of education in Ohio’s public universities," is being considered in the Ohio House of Representatives. We encourage Ohio residents to contact your representative and urge they vote against the bill. 🗃️
Action Alert Opposing Ohio SB SB 83 is being considered by the Ohio House of Representatives after narrowly passing the Senate. The AHA encourages constituents to reach out to their elected representatives to urge them to vote aga...
From #AHAPerspectives in 2018: Kritika Agarwal examined how the field of trans history has developed and possibilities for future scholarship. She noted, "trans history also offers an entry point to gender history and LGBT history." 🗃️
What Is Trans History? – Twenty years ago, trans history was a marginal field of study. Today, it's vibrant and full of potential. But what is trans history, what are its objects of study, and what are the interventions it's ...