Dustin Patrick Winter

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Dustin Patrick Winter


Co-founder at Scryptid Games, Ennie-nominated designer, artist, writer, gamer.
Want to collab? Let’s build a fantasy town floating in the void… I still have two spots open on the Against the Gloom Kickstarter at the level where we create an anchora together based on a song you pick. We have less than 48 hours left! Let’s rock! www.kickstarter.com/projects/scr...
Against the Gloomwww.kickstarter.com Oops, all bards. A dice-based role-playlist-building game about music’s furious resistance to despair.
Boardgame Bechdel Test update Original Bechdel Test: do 2 women in a movie talk to each other, not about a man? Boardgame Bechdel Test: Are 2 non-men sitting together on your shelf? I posted this a couple years ago and am curious, has your shelf gotten more Bechdel-y? Send shelfies! Mine below
TBH I prefer stories where the daylight saves itself.
I would like to play an ent named Robert the Spruce.
Your job could literally involve singing songs like "Raining Blood" and "Angel Of Death" and your teen daughter would still think you're cringe. Via Dad Patrol
So, the Scryptid Games team will be demoing my upcoming TTRPG, Against the Gloom, at Metatopia 2023! Aaaaaand I won’t be able to be there. I’m feeling a lot of things about it, so any encouragement y’all can offer is welcome!
Don’t be fooled by the pasta I bought I’ll spill I’ll spill penne in the pot Put it on and heat it now it’s really hot No splatter on the stove I know to keep the flame onnn
what a truly cursed day in US higher ed
Matt Mercer’s first album is still really good.
End of feed.