Benjamin Percy

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Benjamin Percy

Writer of novels (Sky Vault, Ninth Metal), comics (Wolverine, Ghost Rider), essays (Thrill Me), podcasts (Wolverine: The Long Night), film (13th Night, Summering), TV (Urban Cowboy), and dad jokes (Knock, knock…). WGA member.
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Avatar love for both Wolverine and Ghostrider burns bright in the Weapons of Vengeance storyline. This struck the perfect balance between horror and superhero storytelling. 💀🔥🏍️
I'm the opposite of an impulse shopper. I've had a desk chair with the padding worn off an arm for 2 years, and I've been thinking about getting one of those fancy but not too fancy espresso machine thingamajigs for 5 years. At this rate, I'll be dead a decade before I decide on an urn.
Me: I’m looking forward to a nice productive Saturday! Tire: Heyyyyyyyyyyy.
I have come to terms with the fact that I am less of a classy and more of a trashy sushi kind of guy. I embrace the tempura and cream cheese with open arms.
Spotted in an empty storefront.
Eyeballing 2025 as the year I'd like to direct a feature. I have a fishbowl-scenario script that's achievable, but even with a micro-budget, cobbling money together is a challenge. Starting to sniff around for grants, fellowships, fiscal sponsorships. Not sure on the when or how, but it will happen
Not many pictures to show for it, but it’s been a beer sipping, river tubing, firework watching, Kuub and pickleball playing, calf muscle tearing kind of weekend.
If anyone has any recommendations for visiting Oaxaca, holler at me.
Small victories in parenting: discovering Tanya Tucker and Nitty Gritty Band on your teenager’s Spotify playlist.
At least once a week I like to loudly complain that meteorologists don’t know what the hell they’re taking about. Will A.I. rob me of this pleasure?
Despite its ridiculousness, The Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf deserves applause for these five things: an iconic poster, Christopher Lee in sunglasses, crazy werewolf sex, black magic exploding eyeballs, and this howler of a Stephen Parsons song:
Bladerunner, Fight Club, and Angel Heart all follow a similar plot -- wherein the true threat is revealed to exist inside the self -- a formula I relate to fully every time I slap another rack of ribs on the grill and crack a beer.
Can’t decide on my retirement plans and whether I should become a post-apocalyptic warlord or a sentient head floating in a brightly lit aquarium of preservative goo.
I could totally compete in the Olympics, if only there was a category for running naked with wolves through the snowy woods.
Just signed another exclusive contract with Marvel. Grateful to be part of their spandex-clad, super-powered crew and excited about all the wild stories I’m going to share with you over the next few years.
Chris Dortch, the director of the Chattanooga Film Festival, was cool enough to interview me about 13th Night, and we get into everything from the inspiration to the production to what's next...
Hellverine Issue 2 releases its fire and brimstone into the world today.
My hobbies include actively ignoring any article that declares something I enjoy is bad for me.
The most depraved but honest moment in Slumber Party Massacre is when the teenagers eat the pizza off the dead delivery guy.
Photo dump from the Chattanooga Film Festival, where we world-premiered 13th Night. Could not have had a better time. The festival rolls out the red carpet and curates such a special (and terrifying) experience. Felt like summer camp for horror nerds. #horror #horrorshort #directing
I’m headed to Tennessee - along with some of the cast and crew - for the world premiere of 13th Night at the Chattanooga Film Festival (one of the top 25 genre fests, according to Moviemaker Magazine). We’re going to soak up all the horror and the bourbon Chattanooga has to offer.
Venomverse Reborn Issue #1 is out today. I've got a story in here -- drawn by Brian Level and colored by Ruth Redmond -- that's an Agatha Christie-inspired closed circle murder mystery set at the Avengers compound. #marvelcomics #venom #avengers
Pretty cool to see Hasbro is putting out this Marvel Legends toy of Hellverine, the character Geoff Shaw and I created in our Ghost Rider/Wolverine: Weapons of Vengeance series.
My brain works like this: I might not be able to remember what I came down to the basement for...but, without rehearsal, I could stage a one-man play in which I recite the entirety of Silver Bullet.
This Father’s Day, I made my family watch the Godfather Part II with me, as the lord intended.
One of the nice, small touches in Andor is how the camera is loose and handheld when aligned with the title character and rigidly framed and smoothly dollied when with the Empire.