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Author, collection Sandra BARTLETT
Barnes & Noble

Isbn 9798369285176
Satirical non fiction novel:
isbn 9798855622904
+ 3 short stories
Murder, adventure, science non-fiction
Reposted byAvatar @AnnWilliams
Noon pause 🇫🇷 This young man 22, a public star of a TV game show for the past 6 months, has gained over 1,900,000 euros. No one has been able to overthrow him: his knowledge, his thinking & modesty are just remarkable
🇫🇷Berry Canal & flowering lilipads on my way to the supermarket, protected thistles due to their disparitition, attacked by ppl who didn't have scissors, clouds trying ingredients to muster in the west It won't be nice all day
Am I the only 1 who looks into others' shopping carts to see what they chose?
Good morning lovelies, Was up late; sunbeams pulled the sheets off me sending shivers, the bed spit me on the floor at 7, but lots of ☕ in store. Snail mail on the program & no doubt a walk. I'm out of rubber joints for canning jars, canning more peaches today Have a happy hump
Saw a friend this morning, she disappeared 2 mos ago: her son 22 had a bike accident, MDs/ICU said he had to be "debranched, he'll be a vegetable", pressured her for the "spare parts" She didn't leave his side, kept talking to him... he woke up, he's now on his legs in therapy Ducking MDs
I went to the bank this morning, saw I could do some shopping Purchased big chicken legs on sale: 2€/kg (bought 4 kg) Filet mignon pork 4€ kg 3 peruvian🥑 2€ 1.5 kg 🍅 3.5€ 1 musk 🍈 1.3€ Whole wheat flour, lentils, split peas 🥔, spinach, beets, peaches from garden: pears aren't ready yet 🥕
A very early good morning lovelies, My night was short
THIS must be listened to: Nostradamus predicted so many events that happened, 400 yrs be4... he has predicted much for 2024 as well as US ELECTION RESULTS. What concerns project 2025 MUST BE BLOCKED, VOTE BLUE youtu.be/pdldBnWnTIk?...
Nostradamus' sensational predictions for 2024 | WION Originalsyoutu.be Nostradamus, a 16th-century seer, continues to fascinate the world with his predictions. The French astrologer published his book Les Propheties nearly 500 y...
Gid morning lovelies, Day has risen & sunshine is playing leap frog with storm clouds in the east. I'm going to be gobbled before the day's end, caught in a sandwich between the high air pressures/hot air movement &, the low pressures-copl air from the Atlantic. The aft & eve should be noisy & wet
Europe is having communication problems for connecting: Is it STARLINK Elon sold yo Russia 🇷🇺 causing interference or Is it magnetic waves + northern lights caused by solar eruptions?
Did a bit of garden cleaning yesterday, today suffering from blisters, swollen feverish arm & scratches I large 2 cm parallel lines & a smaller 1 cm near wrist. Looks like I escaped a venomous viper nest Just scratches, not a Frank bite, just enough to cause pain, burning & disagreement
AMBIGUOUS SIGN just before the shot rang, The lady in red maga cap quickly took her cap off after
GOOD MORNING LOVES, (After this STAGED, DESPERATE ATTEMPT to be a victim, no one is fooled) Wishing all a wonderful day
🇫🇷 BASTILLE DAY 🙏 all celebrate in Safety ♥
Reposted byAvatar @AnnWilliams
Part 1 of 16: This is one of the strangest & scariest post I’ve ever made. We can thank #CriminalTrump for this. Apparently, this is his first “hit” list (my characterization), which you’ll note includes many public figures who may be beloved to us or even personally known to us. Steel yourselves!
#ecology Forest cleaned, firewalls of ACACIA to cut forest fire risks from spreading Acacia doesn't burn
Signing off disgusted, over the FAKE NEWS of GAZA - 🇮🇱 ceasefire 🇮🇱 BOMBED GAZA AGAIN >MURDERS 😢 💔
💔 😢 🇺🇸 This went internationally viral. IF something was to be done, it should have been just after his visit to China months ago. Today, so close to elections, RISK is 2 ways; The fairest would be an internal vote for dems, or an online vote Replacement Yay or nay
🇺🇸 NOTE to dems: THIS went internationally viral 💔😢 If something was to be done, it SHOULD HAVE BEEN AFTER his visit to China months ago. Today, so close to elections, there is a risk either wayTHINK TWICE, perhaps a vote interne aux DEMS Please don't jeopardise either way, Internal vote is a must
Morning Europe, nighty night lovelies over the pond, Just before dusk, a wide, hefty cloud made a block with earth as it rumbled, groaned & grumbled for >30'. I kept my eyes riveted, afraid that a twister would form. Happily, it just licked the ground & drooled delicate drop in a vertical rainfall
Calling it a day, it was too long, cruel, difficult. Thanking Mother Nature who heard my🙏, we had a beautiful rain, hoping for more tonight. 🙏for civils in Eastern Europe & Gaza (another strike Tsahal is bragging)💔 😘
To all you lovelies whom I neglected this morning: Spent 40' off to help an elderly cpl this morning, when I came back, my water reserve was SMASHED, 1 cubic meter of water spraying all over, tried to collect what I could: the lombic composter was smashed & protection to peach tree was torn down 😢
🇫🇷 $27,125,500,000.00 M@kr0nien debt 😡
Good morning lovelies, Market day today THANK YOU FARMERS & RESALERS for your devotion, Getting up at 5 a.m., driving under heavy sunshine risking your produce Exposing under freezing temperatures & snow to bring us freshness 🙏 you never feel arthritis & rheumatism ♥
JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE sends "JEWELLED RING" But also in our atmosphere,, such perfection of geometry, perfect alignment of lights seems very familiar with what was noted as PERFECTLY IDENTIFIED PHENOMENA by 🇫🇷 airforce. NASA has most likely filmed vessel of other beings www.space.com/jeweled-ring...
The James Webb Space Telescope finds a jeweled ring in the cosmoswww.space.com A gravitationally lensed quasar looks just like a sparkling piece of jewelry.
Daylight is trying to shine behind the shrouded, mourning heavens, >45 civil victims 🇺🇦 >29 civils in Gaza school (again) DUCK G20 & war mongers No such thing as a good war A poor negotiation must prime 🙏 ✌ for populations What is a country worth without populations & culture?