
That's a heat pump though. If they're in a 1910 walkup the heat is already provided by the building and already too much. Midea the same company who makes that also makes the midea U which is an inverter based A/C that has the added perk of letting you open the window Midea is the world’s largest producer of major appliances with a mission to create surprisingly-friendly solutions so you can enjoy life at home.
I don't know if the terminology is different in the states, but I think heat pump is just the name that differentiates it from other kinds of AC so to say. It can heat or cool and in both cases does so by moving heat energy between inside and outside via a refridgerant, hence the name heat pump.
Might be same name for different things- all the heat pumps I've come across do both cooling and heating.
Yes but they'd be paying for heating they don't need. Most NYC apartments of that age have centralized heating they they can't control on the individual level. So they'd have two heating systems. Also depending on heating type it'd need to fit over a radiator /1
The midea ac depending on btus is between $350-500. The midea heatpump when it's finally for sale (it came out of a competition run to figure out how to get heat pumps into public housing) will be 3k. 3k is a lot to spend on heat you don't need
I see, I was not aware "only-AC" was still a thing, the ones Ive come across/owned have always been both. Portable AC i had in my apartment was both for around 500$ and heatpump that serves the small house I live in very well I think was about 1700$ installed.
If in you're in Europe it's because we typically have different windows
Yup, apartments usually swikg windows here- one I lived in had thin side windows, I built a bracket so I could attach the AC hose to it. Another apartment, that I owned, I sawed out a hole in the balcony door for the hose. Had to repair it before selling and the housing cooperative was not happy :P
1910 windows 🤦🏼‍♀️
The windows would've been replaced but this is the dominant style in the US and it's imho great. Easy to install screens. Easy to install acs.
the up-down ones, right? so much better than casements 🤬🤬🤬🤬