Neil Renic

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Neil Renic

Researcher at the Centre for Military Studies, in Copenhagen. Working on ethics, politics, technology, Just War, drones, and autonomous weapons.
Junior scholars: "I feel awkward citing myself" Senior scholars: "as I cleverly argued (1988; 1991), admirably reiterated (1993; 1995; 1996); and handsomely concluded (2001; 2004; 2007)..."
“I have no idea” ⭐️ “That is beyond the scope of this paper” ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Scholars from the global north citing other scholars from the global north when writing about the global south
Me: “becoming a doctor was a huge accomplishment and I shouldn’t feel insecure” Deutsche Bahn:
The academic urge to spend half a day on a footnote no one reads and 95 seconds on an abstract everyone reads
Every academic needs friends who have no idea what you research and don't care.
Academic flirting is asking someone a question that reveals you read their article
Asking a PhD how it's all going?
For a small fee, I will sit in the front row of your presentation and nod excitedly
University fellowship: we welcome applicants from all socioeconomic backgrounds Fellowship salary: we welcome applicants from the landed gentry, as well as recent lottery winners
Reviewer two headquarters
Communication matters in academia: how’s the writing going < would you like a coffee? when do you finish your PhD < would you like some money? any luck on the job market < would you like to use my office to cry?
Your draft no longer makes sense, you can’t bear to look at it, and you want to flee to the forest - it’s finally time to submit!
Colleagues are shocked when I share my record of publication wins and grant success, all while maintaining work/life harmony, but anything is possible when you lie
read draft re-read draft re-re-read draft re-re-re-read draft *submit draft* typos:
1970s professors: "and a final, brief thanks to my loving wife, who came up with the idea, did the research, wrote and edited the book, secured a publisher, and raised our children."
Academics: "try the 'feedback sandwich' - a positive comment, followed by constructive feedback, followed by another positive comment." German academic: "now that we've covered the serious problems with your work, let's move on to the truly severe."
To all my academic friends, never give up! My article got 5 rejections before it got its 6th.
Succeeding in the academic job market is simple: - Publish in high-impact journals - Publish in a university press - Obtain grant funding - Teach early and well - Be luckier than you currently are - Blackmail established scholars into retirement - Time-travel back to the 1970s
Don't forget, editing is part of writing. Reading is part of writing. Lying facedown on the floor, worrying those around you, is part of writing.
PhD student: one month preparation for lecture Postdoc: two weeks preparation for lecture Professor:
7:00-18:00: “I have no new ideas for an article” 2:00:
Two kinds of academic feedback:
Please give a warm welcome to our panellists, guy who wrote his presentation on the plane, guy who goes over time, guy who goes dramatically over time, and well-prepared PhD student allocated the 4 remaining minutes
I’ve almost nailed academic research: 🔳 buying books 🔳 smelling books 🔳 downloading books 🔳 vowing to read books ⬜️ reading books 🔳 admiring the front cover of books
Getting a PhD: Cons: - anxiety inducing - poor work-life balance - brutal job market - low pay Pros: - When your amazon package is delivered you can say, "ah, just what the doctor ordered!"
Genius of Oxford to make their handbooks so expensive that contributing a chapter is the most efficient way to get hold of a copy
"sure the academic job market is tough, but at least we're all in the same boat" The boat:
The media: Professors are indoctrinating their students!! Professors: please read these four articles, or just the first if you're pressed for time...or these notes I uploaded summarizing the articles. hello?
please don't email me back so quickly. Give me a moment to enjoy ticking something off my to-do list