
Are they tho? Isn’t the concern that he sunsets frequently? That it’s a physical manifestation of old age? He has my vote but the notion that this is “fixable” I don’t think is accurate.
As I've been saying all week, Biden's problems are repairable, but if he can't or won't repair them, he should get out of the way so Harris can
If those things are not true, he can easily prove them wrong, and if they are true, then it's not really the media's fault that they're reporting it
Agreed. All I’m addressing is the notion that his potential physical or mental impairments are “fixable.” I guess what you’re saying is he can do things to disprove the doubts if they are indeed disprovable and I guess that’s right.
And while I hate today’s MSM, and have no doubt he can do the job still, I’m just not sure the issues are “disprovable.” The issue with aging slips is that they come when they come.
Exactly. If the rumors are false, then prove them false. And if the rumors are true, well then why the fuck are we having this conversation, give kamala the keys and lfg
I guess what I’m struggling with is that I just don’t know if it’s all “provable.” So he does a bunch of interviews and live events w no teleprompter and looks great. The SOTU!! But then the next day ….
If I were in charge (lol) I think the decision needs to be made on the existing facts. Thats the whole game obviously but I’m not sure a week or two of energetic appearances is going to more the needle at all.
needs to be consistent, and repeated. One of the things about politics is nothing sticks the first time; not even the second or third or fourth. Needs to be every day, all in, between now and November, and they need to ask themselves if that's a thing they can really sincerely commit to
Is it almost true that the guy has the weight of the world on his shoulders with this decision? And maybe he or others realize it doesn't really depend on whether it's true but whether media will continue to repeat it even if it isn't (save their own face & rep refuse to admit they were wrong).