Cat Pervert 🇵🇸

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Cat Pervert 🇵🇸

Pro Palestine account, no Zionists 🇵🇸 If you support Palestine or want to help Gaza, please be my friend. 🍉🍓
Everyone I know in Gaza seems to have a story like this today. Nothing is okay.
I sent a message to my friend who is in eastern Khan Yunis. Unfortunately, he was unable to leave and was surrounded and shot with his family 💔💔💔
This right here.
Always talk about the Gazans, talk to them, check on them, and support them, for everything has failed them in this life
Here is Jamal from Gaza. Everything was destroyed around him. His future is his city and his university. You can help me rebuild my life and my family through these links.
Can u repost the below? It’s really a big support
Here is Jamal from Gaza. Everything was destroyed around him. His future is his city and his university. You can help me rebuild my life and my family through these links.
I wanted to share the latest article by my friend Qasem al Farra in Electronic Intifada. He writes about another recent evacuation order of his city of Khanyounis (after which, those fleeing the occupation were targeted).
Desperate for a ride out of Khan When the Israeli army ordered an evacuation of Khan Younis at the beginning of July, there was nowhere else to go.
The sweetest Gazawi 💚
I’m jamal from gaza, We are very close to our goal, my friends, closer than ever. Keep it up. We are arriving
Hello, I am Jamal from Gaza. Unfortunately, everything was destroyed in Gaza. My university, my studies, my beautiful city, my dreams, and everything is beautiful. Our lives are also in danger and the destruction is still continuing. You can help us by repost or donate if u can
We were killed in all ways, in all places, and in the most horrific ways. There is no end? There is no justice in this world? There is no stopping this waterfall of blood?
My heart 💔 uses this gofundme as his family's only lifeline - 13 people, including small children, depending on Jamal and on your donations. Words can't express how much we all need you. 💚🍉🇵🇸
Hello, I am Jamal from Gaza. Unfortunately, everything was destroyed in Gaza. My university, my studies, my beautiful city, my dreams, and everything is beautiful. Our lives are also in danger and the destruction is still continuing. You can help us by repost or donate if u can
Hi all - I not only know and run his GoFundMe, but I also know many of his other friends both in Gaza and in Egypt. Waleed is very dear to me; he has lost more in this genocide than anyone I know, and I wouldn't say that lightly. Please help support him. 🍉🇵🇸
I can vouch for Waleed’s account- one of my long time besties is who is doing the money part and she’s been in contact with him for a long time.
I have a piece of art in this contest. My cousin has a piece of art in this contest. My neighbor has a piece of art in this contest. The gf of one of my best comrades has a piece of art in this contest. 😂 Please CAsT your votes, proceeds benefit and his family's gofundme!
Voting is OPEN for the competition on the best art of's kitten Haiah! For a 5£ donation you can vote on any of these amazing pieces and if your vote wins get a exclusive photo of Haiah!
I have a piece of art in this contest. My cousin has a piece of art in this contest. My neighbor has a piece of art in this contest. The gf of one of my best comrades has a piece of art in this contest. 😂 Please CAsT your votes, proceeds benefit and his family's gofundme!
Voting is OPEN for the competition on the best art of's kitten Haiah! For a 5£ donation you can vote on any of these amazing pieces and if your vote wins get a exclusive photo of Haiah!
Last night I received an update from Omar's sister: "Omar is okay but tired and sleeping now. He was trapped yesterday evening by army tanks in the family's house in East Gaza. He escaped to the place where we are, and at night the army entered under heavy fire cover. (1/2)
Please keep Omar and everyone in Gaza in your thoughts tonight. They are not okay. 🙏🏼🍉
Omar has been displaced again, as "all of Gaza City is being subjected to a series of intense airstrikes, considered among the most violent since the start of the war." He messaged me minutes ago and said, "I'm still young and I want to live and help people."
Do you love gaza ? And do you love me ? 🥲♥️
A few people asked for some extra time on the weekend so I’m extending the dealing until Sunday so you can work on your art over the weekend! The situation in Gaza is really chaotic right now and anything you can do to help’s family is deeply needed ❤️❤️❤️
Calling all Bluesky artists who would like to help’s family escape Gaza (and likes kittens)! We are hosting a friendly competition to see who can get the most votes for best art of Haiah, Jamal’s kitten Haiah
Hi all, this is my friend Omar from north Gaza. He's not on Bluesky, but I was hoping someone might show him some love. He has a gofundme but it's not for evac; he and his family just want to meet their daily living expenses and try to rebuild their destroyed home.
I can’t imagine my life in the war without u my heroes
I’m jamal from gaza and I always say this the last hope for my family because we lost literally everything, I hope to help or repost if you can 💔
The only and the last hope Share if u can or repost
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