
The fact they're simultaneously running don't vote campaigns and trying to undermine the dem candidate is proof that the moneybags who own these publications are united in realizing their robber baron days are drawing to a close under a guy who is the most pro labour president of the 21st century
If you actually want to see anything like a curtailing of these robber barons owning your whole life you'll bring back the only president of my lifetime who actually took them on where it hurt them and has vowed to raise their taxes
Though tbf at this point I don't think it's a biden thing, I think the dems know that this is their path. Push them harder down it but that doesn't remotely happen with King Donald running Epstein island 2.0 from the WH
i hope you’re right because presidents only get 8 years.
Not if 45 and his purchased justices suspend the constitution.
sure, if they do that, the rest is moot. of course.
i like your account pic 👍
yes, and i’ve already seen it, multiple times in the last two years. would be even more and more sweeping if moneybags would stop blocking and suing to get their way.
I did not want Biden to run in 2020, and yet here I am seeing the amount of progressive stuff on the environment, labor, taxes, infrastructure, and other domestic issues, and being a bit boggled at how much his administration has accomplished. so yes, exactly what you say: the moneybags hate him.
Same, is all I can say. Really was ambivalent about Biden, but that administration has gotten a LOT done.
Mina, I did not expect it. I really didn't. I mean, the usual caveats, etc etc, but some decent big wins.
There's a lot to be said for understanding *how* government works and then putting people in place to see that it does so effectively.
Right? Even that administration took me by surprise.
Most pro labor president and not coincidentally the first since Reagan who does not have an ivy league degree. They hate him!
Yeah-also they are harnessing mainstream Dem freakouts (eg Carville) and their vast connection to anonymous coward donors. It’s really gross.
I don’t mean to overstate things but is this what it was like watching Hearst goad everyone into the Spanish-American War?
It is an analogy that has also occurred to me.
Though to be fair some donors at least have the stones to come forward, like Reed Hastings. It’s nice when billionaires holding the republic hostage have the decency to say so. Noblesse oblige.
Yup, Biden might be dogshit on international issues and foreign policy and military policy, but nobody has ever been a bigger threat and waged a harder war against the rich wealthy elite in decades like Biden. Biden's attack on corporate monopolies and rising taxes are scaring the billionaire bigots
Where can I read more about these policies and efforts? All I hear about are the cons and I need some uplifting truths, I'm probably voting for him anyway for fear of Project 2025
I've reposted and quote-posted articles in the past where Biden did good stuff, but uh, the good news is really scattered across a variety of different news sources. You'd probably have to type things into a search engine. It mostly involves his Trade Commission and fighting corporate corruption.
Don't forget his sins of funding the IRS and expanding our ability to crack down further on offshore tax shelters
In the pursuit of disabusing them of this idea by hitting their wallet and changing the narrative, how'd you feel about an organized ad boycott of the old Grey Lady?
and that they think that a second Trump term will again fatten their coffers and not i don't know LAND THEM IN THE FUCKING GULAG YOU MORONS WHAT PART OF "ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" ISN'T CLEAR.
"Realizing"... I'd say "fearing" because I'm pessimistic these days.
Man, to be a fly on the wall in that vape-filled room.