Mina Li (she/her)

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Mina Li (she/her)


Taiwanese-American SFF writer. Fierce with a touch of Midwestern niceness. Profile pic by Lisa Sterle. Opinions are mine.

Now at 215. Every bit helps so I’m not on the streets by the 21st. Thank you all for the continued help🫶🏾🫶🏾
Stopped folding clothes to check the mail and we’re at it again…. So tired of living on edge ever month and late fees. 0/400 and whatever else idk anymore. Anything will help. Thank you 🌎🌎🌎 C/V: MSN99
See, this is actual strategy. Whatever the Dems are actually doing right now, it's not strategy.
Shit, if I wanted to prove to assholes that my party is the party of law and order, I would run the HELL out of Kamala’s time as DA and AG. I’d be like “who’s more likely to bring order? A convicted felon, or a former DA and AG?”and then spin all the cop shit we hate about her.
This is the shit I was talking about. Kamala could absolutely dog walk Trump and Vance in the general IF the Democrats did their fucking jobs and introduced her to the public and demonstrated a plan for how to deal with the misogynoir tinged shitstorm headed her way should she become the candidate.
If you're going to go with Kamala, the convention has to be to reintroduce Kamala to the public. You're not going to send the first Black woman candidate into the general election as the first candidate that got no convention introduction to the public. WTH are people thinking here?
Here's the thing. If a bunch of rich people manage to bully the party into kicking out the *elected candidate* and replace him with literally anyone and we go into the election with a person chosen by a bunch of rich people that nobody had a chance to vote for our democracy is already dead.
If you're going to go with Kamala, the convention has to be to reintroduce Kamala to the public. You're not going to send the first Black woman candidate into the general election as the first candidate that got no convention introduction to the public. WTH are people thinking here?
Tressie makes a great point of Alex Wagner Tonight about an open convention -- you have attention of the public for a few days -- do you use that limited attention for arcane process or to highlight party's core beliefs and opponents weaknesses? Why would you throw that attention away on process?
If you haven't read this, you must.
Ok I still dunno how to pin but it's been a hellish year this week so have so have at it and enjoy www.patreon.com/posts/74959374
Rice Truck Thread | Shiv Ramdaswww.patreon.com Get more from Shiv Ramdas on Patreon
Breaking news: Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat who during three decades in the U.S. House of Representatives became one of the most prominent Black members of Congress and a ubiquitous champion of African American and women’s rights, died July 19 at a hospital in Houston. She was 74.
Sheila Jackson Lee, outspoken Texas congresswoman, dies at 74www.washingtonpost.com The long-serving Democrat, a champion of African American and women’s rights, announced in June that she had pancreatic cancer.
is that a book about BENZAITEN that I spy???
As we start looking towards late summer, we discover vampires, anthologies, and lots of spooky stories popping up in young adult fiction. Here's @bookjockeyalex.bsky.social's most anticipated YA SFF for July and August 2024! reactormag.com/most-anticip...
Most Anticipated Young Adult SFF/H for July & August 2024 - Reactorreactormag.com Horror, romantasy, and of course, VAMPIRES! Check out the best upcoming YA titles.
She’s in the job that exists *only to be there to replace the president*
"Democrats stressed they weren’t opposed to Kamala Harris, and many will endorse her, but they don’t like the appearance of a coronation."
The last time I checked today, the NYT had only mentioned Trump's use of the racist phrase "China virus" once, and they did not provide context to explain that it is deeply racist and dangerous.
In case you were wondering, no, the NYT did not mention Trump's use of the racist "China virus" phrase in their live coverage. But they did post this, which only mentions the workability of Trump's deportation plan without mentioning its monstrous immorality. Amoral deactivist journalism.
I genuinely and really and truly and honestly do not understand anything about Biden's prospects and refuse to pretend that I do I do not care if he is the president or if it's somebody else with comparable politics as long as it's not Trump/Vance, who have the worst politics
TIL that India has the only accurate culture conception of an Owl, an animal with problem solving skills ranked somewhere between those of a carrot and a potato.
this is now the 2nd book in not that long I've read that's set in India where they have an Indian character call another character wise as an owl and I am begging you to talk to ppl from subcontinent THE OWL IS CONSIDERED A FOOLISH BIRD IN INDIA IT IS NEVER USED AS PRAISE
My ex-sister-in-law once described dubstep as “the sound of a t-rex fucking a washing machine” and now even when a song i like drops that dubawub i start giggling
A very friendly reminder to anyone reading things coming out of Glasgow: Some places have really aggressive libel laws, and fans are not bottomless buckets of money. I am not at liberty to say anything else.
Little timeline cleanse: the completed embroidered sachet for a very belated Duanwu, stuffed with herbs that smell, oddly, like the inside of an airplane.
Stave off the heat death of the universe for the day and enjoy @aimeeogden.bsky.social's new poem, "Entropy Brooks No Countercurrent." kaleidotrope.net/summer-2024/...
"Don’t accept anybody’s evaluation that what you’re doing is pointless or weird. Go with your weird. Bet your life on weird. Weird is where things happen. Weird is where you meet new people, new ideas. Weird drives understanding." Great essay by Chris about building connection in a solitary field.
Hi everyone! My essay about creating space for community is up at Apex today, and free to read! (They're having a Kickstarter right now, so if you can, help them out!) apex-magazine.com/nonfiction/b...
Build Your (Weird) Community - Apex Magazineapex-magazine.com Under the surface, creating and receiving art are two halves of something larger—a single, connected arc.
What'd I say? bsky.app/profile/kimk...
NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
always disheartening to observe how power enforces silence around abuse when missing stair stories like this become public. I was a huge fan of Gaiman 20 years ago and stopped mostly because vibes--because I observed how much he loved being cruel to fans. But I still never knew any of this.
Gaiman is. The pattern talked about in recent allegations is decades-long. Power imbalance frequently at the heart of what Neil does. At Clarion West (might be Clarion, can't recall), there's the Gaiman Rule for instructors, named after Neil: "Don't sleep with the students." ->
If nothing else ? I want yall to be nicer to yourselves because no matter what you did today ? You ain’t crash the internet based on hubris and bad commit on a Friday
Upon reflection @marypcbuk.bsky.social I suppose its a good thing that I don't barcon (for obvious reasons) and I never, ever get invited to any of the myriad parties that happen around Worldcon and other Major Cons. So if McCarty does show up near Glasgow...I just won't ever run into him.
Hum. Nothing much new at File 770, McCarty is planning to go to Glasgow anyway...I can't think of any major news ppl in the SF&F sphere...
Fuck these assholes. The whole lot of them. Fuck them all the way to the moon. Not because they want him to drop out but because their money alone gets to decide.
If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
I would really like people to stop playing the Oppression Olympics. If you're not of Marginalization X, you have absolutely no idea what it's like to live while being X. Even if you listen to X people. Comparing marginalizations is fruitless. We can be intersectional and respectful.
Please do not ever forget that here in the year of 2024, he repeated the racist phrase "China virus." Racists beat and murdered Asian Americans during the first years of COVID. This man and his party are perfectly happy to stoke those flames again.