
multiple important people in my life are not speaking to me and idk what the hell I can do nothing just try not to do whatever unacceptable thing it is I did to anyone else if I can figure out what it is and if it isn’t “be a goblin and a dumbass” get rekt Harris
I don't understand why we tell kids to "use their words," have frankly disproportionate responses when teens can't perfectly articulate why high school + puberty =/= unintermittent ray of perfect sunshine, & then as adults decide that "you know what you did!" is a reasonable first response...
...when there's every chance that no, I have no eartly clue what seemingly innocuous thing I said set you off (for reasons sometimes valid but also sometimes petty as hell. How would a random new coworker possibly know that's YOUR SPECIAL FAVORITE tool in the shared lab toolbox?)
For such occasions, I have saved this most perfect little meme:
I have been the ass who got stroppy with people for not doing what I never actually asked them to do! I had several people call me on it, & boy was I annoyed at myself for acting like my dad. I REALLY hope I'm better now...
Thieve it, please; I did! Alas that it's technically illegal and stuff to beat people over the head with it, but making it omnipresent would be a close second.